Chapter 19: Defense Against the Dark Arts

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Nobody spoke as they filed into the now dimly light classroom. In (Y/n)'s opinion this classroom looked more like the dungeons than the dungeons did.

"I have not asked you take out your books" Snape said closing the door and striding across the room to the desk.

Hermione quickly slipped her book back into her bag and stowed in underneath her chair.

"I want to address you and I want your full attention" Snape said glaring at Harry and Ron.

"Now you have had five Professors in this subject so far, each of them having their own style of teaching. Given this confusion I'm am surprised so many of you have scraped an OWL in this subject."

"I shall be even more surprised if all of you manage an NEWT in this class." And with that Snape set off around the edge of the room speaking in a low voice.

"The dark arts are many, varied, ever changing and eternal. Fighting them is like fighting a many-headed monster, which each time a neck is severed, sprouts a new one fiercer and cleverer than before. You are fighting that which is unfixed, mutating, indestructible."

"Your defense" continued Snape raising his voice slightly. "Must therefore be as flexible and inventive as the arts you seek to undo"

"These pictures" he said gesturing a few hanging on the walls "depict what happens to those who suffer from the cruciatus curse" Snape said as he passed a tapestry which showed a witch writhing on the floor, clearly shrieking in pain.

"The dementors kiss" a tapestry of a wizard huddled on the floor blank eyed "or provoke an Inferius" the tapestry showed a bloody mass upon the ground that once belonged to a witch or wizard.

"Has an Inferius been seen then? Is he using them?" Parvati asked in a high pitched, scared voice.

"The dark lord has used Inferi in the past" Snape explained "which means it can be assumed he is using them again. Now... you are I believe complete novices in using nonverbal spells. What is the advantage of using them?"

Hermione's hand shot up in the air, and Snape took his time before calling on her. "Your adversary has no warning about what kind of magic you're about to preform, which gives you a split second advantage" Hermione explained.

"An answer copied word for word from The Standard Book of Spell, Grade Six" Snape said "but correct none the less... (L/n)" Snape said upon seeing his hand in the air.

"It's quick as well isn't it?" (Y/n) added "you're not limited by the speed of your tongue anymore"

"Yes true as well (L/n), and not memorized from a book. Now not all wizards can do this of course, it is a question of concentration and mind power, which some" Snape's gaze paused on Harry. "Lack"

"You will now divide into pairs, one partner will attempt to jinx the other without speaking, while the other will attempt to repel the jinx in equal silence." Snape explained to them.

Hermione and (Y/n) paired up, and pretty soon in Hermione had jinxed him no verbally around a dozen times. Eventually (Y/n) was able to repel her nonverbal jinxes in silence as well.

"Adequate work (L/n)" Snape said as he passed by.

"What about Hermione sir?" (Y/n) questions as she had done the same thing at least a dozen times more.

"Yes... not terrible Granger" Snape added before walking off.

"How do you do that?" Hermione asked (Y/n) questioningly.

"Do what?"

"Get Snape to treat you decently"

"Dunno I mean dad was a friend of his at school, maybe they have some history together or something" (Y/n) said thinking about it. Snape had always gone easy on him, he even seemed to have care about him a few times.

Snape sighed at Ron's feeble attempt to cast a nonverbal spell, his face red and scrunched up in concentration. Snape pushed Ron aside "here let me show you"

He turned his wand over to Harry quickly, and Harry immediately yelled out "protego!" His spell was so powerful that it knocked Snape off his feet and hit a desk.

"Do you remember me telling you that we are practicing non-verbal spells Potter?" Snape asked him angrily.

"Yes" Harry replied stiffly staring him down.

"Yes sir" Snape requested of him.

"There's no need to call me sir Professor" Harry said to him in a snarky tone.

(Y/n) stuck his entire fist into his mouth to stop him from bursting out in laughter, Snape had practically set him up.

Hermione and a few other people let out a gasp, while Ron Dean and Seamus grinned at Harry behind Snape's back.

"Detention Saturday night, my office" Snape told Harry. "I do not take cheek from anyone Potter, not even the 'Chosen one'" Snape snarled.

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