Chapter 45: Money, Wands and Pipes Oh My

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"Got a light for me do ya boy?" An old warlock called towards (Y/n), who smiled mischievously, and conjured and bow and arrow made of fire, before taking aim and letting the arrow fly across the room and right into the warlocks pipe, to cheers from the small crowd gathered around.

"Come on come on cough up cough up, if you really enjoyed spare some money, a sickle is good but a galleon is better, spare some change" (Y/n) called out to them, waving his wand so that the stream of fire that had been dancing around them, transformed into a kappa, tipping its head forward so that the people of the crowd could drop a couple coins in the bowl in its head.

"What else can ya do?" Another warlock called out.

"I can juggle... FIRE" (Y/n) said dramatically, and he grabbed three fistfuls of fire from the kappa and started to juggle them.

"DUN DUN DADA DUN DUN DUN DA! DUN DUN DUNNA DUN DUN DUN DUNA!" (Y/n) started to sing circus music as he juggled the balls of fire, throwing them behind his back and through his legs.

"A round of applause please, and don't be shy even a knut can go a long way" he continued before catching the balls of fire in his mouth, and then proceeding to blow them out of his mouth, and into the bowl on the kappas head.

"And now for my grand finale, I will need a volunteer from the crowd. You sir!" (Y/n) cried, pointing towards an old warlock, and a lasso of fire sprung from the tips of his finger tips and pulled the warlock up towards (Y/n).

"Now then, I need you to do me a favor, is this your wand?" (Y/n) asked pulling a wand from the inside of his robes.

"How the hell..." the warlock started.

"Or is it just.... FIRE!!" (Y/n) cried dramatically, throwing the wand into the air which then burst into flames with a loud bang, showering the crowd in colourful twinkling sparks.

This was met with loud cheers from the crowd.

"Thank you thank you everyone, now this concludes my act" (Y/n) said with a deep bow. "Remember tips are always welcome, be like this man here" (Y/n) said gesturing to the warlock he had pulled up to help him.

"He was very generous" he continued pulling out a pouch full of galleons.

"What the hell kid you nicked my money!" The warlock cried.

"Or is it... FIRE!!!" (Y/n) cried dramatically throwing the sac into the air.

"Ow bugger!!" Someone from the crowd cried, as the pouch full of gold hit him on the head.

"Yeah well not everything is fire" (Y/n) said in a serious tone. "Be wary people sometimes a pouch of gold is just that."

"Mental a complete loon" (Y/n) heard from a few people in the crowd.

"Yeah I get that a lot... like an unhealthy amount. Seriously if I had a galleon for every time someone called me a loon, well I'd have a hell of lot more that this" he said gesturing to the bowl in the kappa's head, that was practically over flowing with gold and silver coins, with a few bronze ones poking out here and there.

"Well then I'll be here all night, but for now I must bid you adieu" he finished with another flourish of his hands, and a deep bow.

"Hermione is that you?" (Y/n) said as he found a flustered looking Hermione hiding behind a table.

"Oh (Y/n) I'm so glad you're here" she glad throwing her arms around his neck.

"Oh Harry Harry!" Hermione called as well, as Harry made his way through the crowd.

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now