Chapter 32: Chats in Secret

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(Y/n) entered into a huge room, piled high with what looked like the combined junk of centuries worth of prankster and rule breakers.

He walked around the piled for a while, past a couple of old brooms, and a large bust with a diadem on top of it.

For a while he just walked around, trying to clear his head and let go of his anger. He wasn't really angry at Harry, well maybe a little, he did blame Harry slightly for Richie's death, despite the fact that he knew it wasn't Harry's fault.

It just made him feel better to be able to blame someone else. Deep down he knew it was his own fault that Richie had died. If only he had been a bit stronger, a bit quicker, a bit smarter, he would've been able to stop Dolohov and Richie would still be here.

"What are you doing here (L/n)?" A voice called out.

(Y/n) looked around behind him and saw the pale blond haired Draco Malfoy. "What're you doing here Malfoy?" (Y/n) repeated to him a surprised and confused voice.

"That's none of your business (L/n)" Malfoy said coldly, looking him over.

They stayed there in silence for a moment before (Y/n) broke it by saying. "So nice weather we're having then"

"Oh shut up (L/n)" Malfoy said while rummaging through the likes of junk.

"Are you looking for something?" (Y/n) asked him curiously looking over his shoulder.

"Like I said (L/n)" Malfoy said in a cold annoyed tone. "It's none of your business."

"Come on Malfoy" (Y/n) said taking a step back from him. "I know we haven't really seen eye to eye... you know because of the height difference" (Y/n) said motioning to the difference between their heights.

Malfoy simply rolled his eyes before walking down another isle between two towering mountains of junk.

"Seriously though Draco, I don't hate you, I don't even dislike you that much." (Y/n) said sincerely, causing Malfoy to stop for a second, as if considering something before continuing down the isles.

"Draco I'm sure if we just took some time to get to know each other we could even be friends."

"I'm not look for friends (L/n)" Malfoy said, practically spitting the word friends out as if it were a word he didn't know the meaning of.

"Well sometimes the best friends are the ones you find when you're not looking" (Y/n) suggested.

Once again Malfoy stopped in his tracks, but this time he turned around to face him. "Look (L/n) I don't know what your goal is here but just leave me along alright"

"Draco are you okay? You're looking really tired and stressed out. If I didn't know better I would say you look scared" (Y/n) said to him, genuinely worried about him.

"I'm not scared (L/n)." Malfoy said, in an unconvincing tone.

"Draco I can tell something is wrong, look I'm being serious right now okay, if you're in trouble, any trouble at all you can talk to me alright" (Y/n) told him.

Malfoy stared at him as if he was looking at a three headed dog.

"I'm serious Draco, I don't want anything bad to happen to you alright? If you're in some kind of trouble let me help you out"

(Y/n) thought Malfoy was going to hit him for a second before he held out his hand. "Thanks (L/n). It means a lot" was all he said before continuing to search through the room, making a turn as if by random.

"What are you looking for anyway?" (Y/n) asked him, walking slightly behind him.

"I'm not looking for anything, I'm just waiting till you leave" Draco said, making another random turn.

"Alright alright I'll leave you but just think on what I said okay" (Y/n) said turning to leave, but finding the way they just came blocked by a large wardrobe that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Um that wasn't there a second ago was it?" Asked (Y/n) turning towards Malfoy. He shook his head looking confused.

Suddenly the wardrobe burst open and a tall death eater stepped out, causing Malfoy to leap backwards.

"Wah but I didn't-" he stopped himself before he said anymore, (Y/n) however didn't hear this as he was too focused on the death eater in front of him.

He drew his wand and the death eater mimicked him pulling out an identical wand, cause (Y/n) to stare in confusion.

The death eater then let out a laugh that sounded identical to (Y/n) expect this one sounded dead and emotionless. The death eater raised hand to his mask and pulled it off to reveal (Y/n)'s face underneath.

It was (Y/n)'s turn to jump backwards now, as the death eater version of himself approached him.

Malfoy let out a laugh, that sounded almost relieved. "It's a just bloody boggart. And you're afraid of yourself (L/n)"

(Y/n) wasn't listening though he was slowly backing away from boggart him, who was snarling and smearing at him, his boggart wand pointed between his eyes.

"Move aside (L/n) it's clear you can't deal with a simple boggart" Malfoy said pulling out his wand and pushing (Y/n) aside.

Boggart (Y/n) turned to look at Malfoy before transforming into....

"Dumbledore?" (Y/n) said confused, stiffing a laugh "you're afraid of Dumbledore?"

Malfoy however wasn't listening, as his arm was slowly falling back to his side.

"I know what you must do Draco" the boggart said to him, his arms out towards Malfoy with his palms facing upwards.

"You do what you must Draco, I've known all along Draco." Boggart Dumbledore's face fell slightly, turning into a frown.

"But I must say I am quite disappointed in you Draco. I expect more from you."

"Riddikulus" Malfoy said quietly mid wand shaking in his hand. There was a load pop and then boggart Dumbledore was juggling a bunch of crystal orbs, while riding a unicycle, with a big pink bow in his long white beard.

After the two of them had a laugh, there was another loud pop and the boggart retreated back into the wardrobe.

"So you want to talk about that Draco?" (Y/n) asked him.

"Do you want to talk that (Y/n)?" Malfoy repeated to him, both of them look at the other and established a silent agreement that neither would speak of the others boggart.

"Well I'll leave you to it then Draco." (Y/n) said turning to leave, but stopped and turned back to face Malfoy. "And think in what I said Draco. If you need help please ask." And with that he walked back through the piles of junk and out of the room of requirement.

Wowie two chapters in one day. Sorry just trying to make up for how long I've been away. I'm starting to get back to writing again but I can't promise anything concrete. I'm sorry I've been so on and off lately and I know a lot of people have probably stopped reading this series but I just want to thank everyone who is still here and has stuck with me this whole time. It really means a lot to me. Alright well I'll see you guys in the next chapter, hopefully it'll be soon. And again sorry it's been so long, I just hope people will continue to stick with me despite how long it's been since I last updated. Alright well I'll see you guys later. Love you all! You guys are the BEST.

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now