Chapter 37: Birds and Fires

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Walking back to the common room Hermione and (Y/n) had already planned to confront Harry when they got back.

Once they had arrived in the common room a party was in full swing already.

"Ron seems to be enjoying himself" Hermione said coldly, cornering Harry.

"Yeah I guess it must be his lucky day" Harry replied with a grin.

"It's not funny Harry. That's bloody illegal"
(Y/n) told him.

"Oh since when have you cared about what's illegal!" Harry said rounding in (Y/n).

"I don't but I do care people cheating!" (Y/n) replied angrily. But at that point Harry pulled out a small crystal vial. One with the wax seal still intact.

"You... you didn't put it in?" Hermione asked in a small voice.

"Well who the hell would fall for that!" (Y/n) said angrily, more so at the fact that he had missed this small detail than anything.

The rest of (Y/n)'s swears of frustration however we're drowned out by the sound of catcalls and whistles. Ron was locked together with Lavender Brown.

Hermione, at this point had stormed past Harry and the others and out the portrait.

"I'll be back" (Y/n) said to Harry before running after Hermione.

He eventually found her sitting in an empty classroom.

"You okay Mione?" (Y/n) asked her, walking over to her and putting his arm around her.

"No. I'm furious!" Hermione said, looking at (Y/n), and he could see that there were tears rolling down her face.

"Talk to me Mione I'm here for you" (Y/n) said gently, but furious inside. He wanted to destroy whoever it was that had hurt his love.

"It's our dear friend Ronald!" Hermione told him. "He's been treating us horribly and I don't even know why! He's been complaining about us kissing and being too coupley and then he goes and does this!

"He's been such a bloody hypocrite! He's been shooting us dirty looks, and been getting so upset at us and I have no idea why!"

Suddenly it clicked in (Y/n)'s head, the reason why Ron had been so nasty to them for a while; the reason why he had thrown them dirty looks and glares; why he was being such a jackarse.

Ronald Wesley was jealous. Ronald Weasley had a crush on Hermione granger. That's why he had gotten her perfume for Christmas last year. That's why Ron got so angry when they kissed; why he glared at him all the time.

(Y/n) felt an anger rising inside of him; his insides were burning; on fire. This time Ron had gone too far! He didn't care if Ron hated him, but he had hurt Hermione and that was too far.

"It's okay Hermione" (Y/n) said trying to keep his voice even and trying to keep the anger out of it.

"I just don't understand why he's been like this!" Hermione said still crying.

Just then the door was flung open and last two people Hermione and (Y/n) wanted to see walked into the room hand in hand.

"Oh hehe sorry I didn't realize this room was taken" Lavender said with a laugh. "Come on Ron let's find some where else to go"

"You go Lavender I'll meet you in a second." Ron said, glaring at (Y/n) and Hermione.

"You might not want to go in there" Lavender said with a giggle, as Harry walked into the room.

"What's wrong do you have a problem with me kissing Lavender?" Ron said with a smirk.

At this point Hermione got to her feet, her wand now in her hand. Suddenly a flock of yellow birds appeared form the tip of her wand and flew towards Ron, pecking and scratching at his exposed skin.

He let out a yelp and ran towards the door. At this point (Y/n) had gotten to his feet too, a fire burning in his eyes.

As Ron made his way to the open door it suddenly slammed shut. Ron grabbed the doorknob trying to open the door, but finding to his horror that the door was now tightly locked.

Suddenly Ron let go of the doorknob with a cry of pain, and Harry saw that it was clearly red hot to the touch.

Harry was staring in horror at look of anger on his face. His eyes were practically on fire, and the only other time he had seen him this angery was when he was chasing Dolohov through the ministry of magic last year.

"(Y/n) stop it!" Harry yelled pulling out his wand, before it shot out his hand and flew across the room, landing in the corner.

"Stay out of it Harry" (Y/n) said in a harsh, almost terrifying voice.

At this point Ron was huddled in a ball next to the door swatting at the birds around his head, trying to protect his face.

"(Y/n) let him go!" Harry yelled, seeing how scary the pair of them were standing across the room, Hermione with her wand in her hand pointed at Ron, and (Y/n), with fire in his eyes and flames flowing around his body.

Harry scurried over to his wand, scooping it up and then blasting the door off of its hinges, giving Ron a way out. Ron then quickly scampered to his feet.

"You're mental bloody mental both of you!" He shouted at them before running out of the room.

Hermione then followed him out for the room with tears still streaming down her face. (Y/n) made to follow suit until Harry grabbed his arm.

"Let me go" (Y/n) growled at him.

"What the hell was that!" Harry shouted at him.

"I said let me go Harry" (Y/n) growled again.

"What's wrong with you! Ron's your friend! Why would you do that to him!" Harry roared.

"If he was my friend he wouldn't have hurt Hermione like that. If he was our friend he wouldn't be so upset that I'm dating Hermione just because he wants to get with her!" (Y/n) told Harry. "Now this is the last time I'll say this Harry. Let go of me"

"No I won't not til-" Harry started before he was flown across the room, landing hard on a desk.

(Y/n) then walked out of the door and ran after Hermione to make sure she was okay.

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now