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Carla always arrived 15 minutes early before class. There was never a time where she was late or right on the dot. No wonder why her cousin and best friend called her a robot. 

There were already a few dancers in the studio as Carla took her spot in the very front of the room. Some of the dancers envy how quickly she could pick up changes to fix mid turn. Others simply acknowledged her talents. 

"Cousin." Zach said as he took the spot behind her.

"Asshole." Carla replied with a smile.

"You know just because you say it with a smile, doesn't make your insults any better." 

Carla rolled her eyes at how dramatic her cousin was being as she continued to roll out her left leg. She sent a quick wave to Shane as he made his way towards the back. Carla always tried to convince him to be in the front with them only for him to refuse, claiming he could slack off easier in the back.

"Hey girlie." June said to the girl as she took the spot on the opposite of her bar.

"Hey Junie." Carla smiled.

"All right everyone, let's get started. Facing the barre in sixth please." Master Brooks ordered. Carla got into position, doing what Master Brooks wanted. "Humor me, please! People, close the ribs. Good job Carla." He said as he smiled at the girl like he always does. "I need to see the fifth. Make your transitions precise."

The new girl, Neveah seemed to have trouble keeping up with the class. She apparently is taking Cassie's place, which somewhat frustrates Carla, but you know what they say, the show must go on.

"Carla!" The girl's attention went to Master Brooks. "Demonstrate to the side."Carla nodded as she did what he wanted, all eyes on her. She was used to it by now. "Look. Do you see?" The new girl nodded. "Okay, I'll spare you. Just visiting?"

"New admission." Neveah answered.

"Then show up next class in proper attire with better shoes. Those are a fiasco."

The class went on and Master Brooks was clearly getting frustrated at how some of the dancers didn't practice over the summer. He was picking apart everything Bette was doing and Carla couldn't be anymore happier. If you couldn't tell, she hated the girl. Not only does she think she's the best dancer here, but she also stole her boyfriend which happens to be standing a few feet away from her, occasionally staring in her direction from time to time.

"Nabil. Carla. Show us how to do it properly please." Master Brooks ordered.

Carla and Nabil are the best ballerinas here. Pairing these two together would be an absolute dream to any ballet master after watching their performance in Beauty and the Beast. Sadly, that was the last time the two got to dance with each other since the school saw it as unfair for the other students. 

The duo did as what they were told. Some dancers glared and rolled their eyes at them showing off, others were always so amazed at how in sync the two were. 

"Clearly, these two are the only ones who practice while the rest, your summer break did you no favors. So, tomorrow after class, we'll begin pas de deux. But this term, each of you will be assigned just one partner. Trust in this building has been broken, and this may help rebuild it." Master Brooks said.

Carla hoped she had a decent partner. She always questioned why she was never paired with Shane or Zach, but maybe this time it will be with one of them. Her ex-boyfriend however, didn't want to be partnered with his current girlfriend but with his ex-girlfriend. He still loved the girl and he would do everything he can to win her back, even if it meant hurting his current girlfriend in the process. 


edited: august 16, 2021 

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