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Jimin sat down with a sigh across from Taehyung.

He had just finished tucking Jungkook into bed and was feeling unbelievably beat.

"You remember when Jungkook moved in?"

It had been about a week and a half. Of course he remembered.


Taehyung pursed his lips and leaned back in his chair. "Well... that night I went to get some of his stuff."

Jimin's face fell. He was too tired to be shocked, so it turned into the ever-painful, disappointment. Taehyung wasn't stupid, he saw it right away and bit down on his lip. He hated disappointing Jimin.

"I was just going to go up and ask, say Jungkook spilled something, or he was staying at a friend's house and I was in the area... But, I was tired and I got a little confrontational with his mom. She wouldn't stop..." Taehyung gritted his teeth and flexed his hand, still unable to face Jimin. "She doesn't seem to even notice him."

Jimin shook his head. "Still Tae you can't just-"

Taehyung glared. "I know. Trust me, I know." He never snapped at Jimin and it sure as hell shut him up. Jimin understood though, Tae was an orphan, he was never noticed by anyone either.

"While we were arguing though, this woman came up to their house. Same one from the bar, and she was asking a bunch of questions and said she had to talk to Jungkook."

Jimin sighed. He was worried. Really worried.

"She said that she had school stuff to talk to him about, and his mom seemed really happy about that, but then she asked where he was, and she.... She uh, looked at me and asked if he was staying at his boyfriend's house." Taehyung stopped to laugh bitterly. "Definitely not in a serious way, in a sarcastic, cruel, purposeful way. His mom got really confused and I didn't know what to say... Eventually she gave up and walked away, but his mom... She's not... She won't..."

Jimin sighed and took Taehyung's hand. "I know. I never thought they'd accept him but... It doesn't change anything Tae. We can't interfere in his life."

Taehyung hissed and pushed Jimin's hand away, getting to his feet. "What do you mean? He's just a kid! This girl could potentially out him to his parents Jimin!"

Jimin frowned and stood up as well. "We don't know that and what are we going to do about it anyway?"

Taehyung scowled and dug his nails into his hand. "I-I don't know but after tonight... she definitely won't just leave him alone; she doesn't care about the damage she could cause and... Jimin we could- We have to do something..."

Taehyung's eyes were desperate. He needed Jimin to work with him because he was scared and he was hurt and if anyone were to hurt Jungkook it would be too awful for him. He would do anything to avoid it.

Jimin sighed again and clenched his jaw. "We can't Tae. You're letting your feelings get inside your head right now and I know-" Taehyung immediately tried to deny it but Jimin held out his hand, shutting him up, "I know you care, but we agreed we wouldn't let our feelings make this situation any more difficult! You cannot get attached, because you're right... he's just a kid..."

Taehyung shook his head. "No Jimin. No." He was mad. "This is not about 'our feelings', this is about YOU being too afraid to realize your feelings actually matter! That liking him changes things and that's okay! You're purposefully blocking yourself and I know it because you're scared and it's BULLSHIT!"

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