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Namjoon glanced in his mirrors before he quickly grabbed his phone to answer the incoming call.

"Yoongs? What's up?"

He could hear his roommate grumbling on the other side of the phone.

"Namjoonaahh I don't have to work tonight and I'm boreddd..." Namjoon laughed and tried to drive better with one hand.

"Yoongi speak up I can barely hear you."

"NAMJOONAH" His voice shrieked through the phone and Namjoon jumped a little. "I'm BORED. You wanna get Thai food tonight?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes. "YAH! I'm driving you called to ask me if I want to get dinner with you?!" Yoongi was quiet for a second.

"It's not my fault you're irresponsible enough to pick up the phone." 

He snorted knowing Yoongi was right. "Fine fine, yes Thai food is good, I'm hanging up now..."

"But Namjoon I'm bor-" *click*

Namjoon laughed to himself. 

Every once in a blue moon Yoongi would get a day off and get very clingy to spend time with Namjoon. Namjoon didn't mind, it's just he had work to do and people to see too. They both worked extremely hard but sometimes Namjoon wondered if Yoongi really understood how different their lives were. He had to work to live, Yoongi did it because he loved it.

He sighed to himself as he pulled into the small town filled with white tents and people crowding the closed streets. It was only 9am and he had been up for 4 hours on about 4 hours of sleep. He felt like absolute shit.


A shrill voice came swirling through his open window as he parked the truck. A reluctant smile nudged at his lips as he stepped down from the driver's seat.

Panting, Jin ran up to him and swatted him on the shoulder as a greeting. "Yah! You're early! And aish you look like shit!" His hands immediately flew to Namjoon's face, pulling at his droopy eyes. "Did you sleep at all?!"

Namjoon scowled and pulled away. "Stop that, I'm a busy guy okay? Sleep is a luxury."

Seokjin scowled back, but couldn't not smile after looking at Namjoon. "Okay so maybe you're not the guy for me..." Namjoon looked up confused


Jin laughed and shook his head. "Nothing, I was just gonna ask you for a favor but clearly..." he gestured up and down Namjoon's figure, "you're not in any shape to do extra work. I'll just ask..." Jin looked around dramatically and sighed, "ugh, I'll find someone..."

Namjoon frowned but chose not question Jin's semantics. "So, you all set up?"

Jin kept smiling at Namjoon with his big sparkling eyes. "You betcha. Need any help?"

Namjoon nodded, but then shook his head sleepily. He hadn't realized how tired he was until he was met with Jin's bouncy mood. "Nah nah, you're not supposed to do that."

It didn't matter, Jin always helped no matter what Namjoon said. They grabbed a few boxes each, Jin holding them in his arms, Namjoon pushing the dolly.

"We sat up over there today so we have a better view of the square." Jin was pointing to a light pink tent under a baren cherry tree.

He brought the boxes over and started unloading the fruits with Jin.

"Hey Namjoon, you don't look so good..."

Namjoon and Jin both looked up as Jin's dad emerged from behind one of the tables in the back. 

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