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Time after that night went by like water carried downstream.

One day flowed into another and everyone was pulled into the vortexes of their own lives.

Jungkook quit his full-time delivery job to focus more on college and barely even told Jimin and Tae why. They knew he was going through a hard time but it was impossible to help him when he blocked everyone out.

Jimin had to help Taehyung at the café 24/7 because they had been getting swamped lately and he couldn't do it alone with Jungkook gone. They both spent a lot of long nights worrying about their friends. They were determined to help, and they had a plan. They only had two more variables to secure.

Hoseok spent most of his days alone in his apartment or out on the streets looking for studios or anyone that would hire him for dance. It was probably some of the worst weeks of his life. The days of knowing he had made it, had accomplished his dreams and then... seeing them all fall apart before his eyes. This weekend he would have to finally move his stuff out of the studio. He would stay with Jimin and Tae for a while after that.

Namjoon still delivered to Jin three times a week, but the two hadn't talked in weeks. He was still too scared and upset to confront him, and while Jimin had explained that Jin had lied about dating Sandeul, Namjoon didn't know how to talk to Jin about it. He was mad, and depressed about life, and anything anyone said to him seemed to go right over his head. Even Jin.

Jin probably had it worse than anyone. His dad had gotten sick and so he was left to man their stand alone and their financial situation was dive bombing fast. On top of it, his closest friend couldn't even look him in the eye. So, when Taehyung visited him one day, asking if he wanted to come by the café and have some drinks with the rest of the gang, he gladly agreed. Anything to see Namjoon.

Yoongi on the other hand was doing better. Okay. No. No, he most definitely wasn't. After all the days he ended up taking off, he was almost fired by his company and now he was just barely hanging on by a string, working harder then ever. He hadn't slept more than 3 hours in a week and Namjoon, who could barely take care of himself, had to remind his roommate to eat and shower and do, very simple life things that he was too stressed to care about. He was still mad over what happened with Hoseok and avoided going to the café at any chance he could. Honestly, it wasn't so much anger anymore, that had simmered down considerably. Now, it was mostly embarrassment. He really didn't think he could ever face Hoseok again. So, when Namjoon came to him asking if he wanted to come by the café and have dinner with Jimin and Taehyung on the weekend, he could not have declined faster. Because he had already decided, he would just bury himself in his work, and let life pass him by. Afterall, it was safer that way.

+ + +

"Aish Jimin careful that was my grandma's!"

"Hmmm I can tell... You never thought about adding some spice to your office?"

Hoseok ignored his comment.

Taehyung walked in as Jimin walked out with the large vase he had been referring to.

"Looks like we're almost done!" Hobi nodded as Tae patted him on the back, "It's kind of nice to have a change, right?"

Hoseok shrugged. No, fuck no.

"Yeah, for sure."

Taehyung nodded and took a seat on the floor, gesturing for Hobi to sit with him.

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