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Today was the day. Friday, the day that Yoongi would be going to get drinks with everyone.

Namjoon had left him earlier, insisting on picking up Jin like an hour early but Yoongi didn't mind. Well, he did. Because it meant he was in charge of picking up Hobi, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. All the people he didn't know at all. Well, except Hoseok a little.

He had spent thirty minutes changing his shirt, then his pants, then taking away earrings, adding a chain, removing the chain, trying sandals, raiding Namjoon's non-existent closet, and then giving up and going back to his original decision. Black jeans, white t-shirt.

He was finally ready.

Damn. He was kind of nervous. But then again, he was Yoongi. He would be fine. He took a deep breath and headed out the door.

As he walked out of the building and got in his car, his phone rang.


A small chill ran down his spine. Needless to say, he ignored it.

"Hey Hobi what is it?"

Hoseok giggled. "I love it when you call me Hobi"

Yoongi froze. He really didn't know what to do with that.

"Uh. I'm almost on my way so I have to go."

Hoseok hummed on the other side of the phone. "Okay, I was just calling to see if you'd left yet"

Yoongi nodded and kicked his car gently. Hoseok seemed... different, giddy... "Well, I am, so... bye?"

Hoseok smiled into the phone but Yoongi couldn't tell. "Okay, bye, see you soon Yoongles."

After Hoseok hung up, he turned to Jimin and Tae.

"W-what is with you?!" Jimin's mouth was hanging open in awe and Tae was just staring, eyes wide.

Hoseok shrugged and sat down. "He's growing on me."

Taehyung laughed sarcastically. "I thought he "wasn't your type"?"

Taehyung mocked Hobi's voice and Hoseok cringed in frustration. "I'm an idiot okay! We been knew! I feel so awful about that guys... Especially because he is my type..."

Jimin scowled. "That shouldn't be why you feel especially awful Hobi."

Hobi nodded sulkily. "I know. It's just... Am I an asshole if I make a move on him after rejecting him like that?"

Taehyung shrugged. "I mean... He asked you out right? You're just reciprocating this time around. I wouldn't worry about it. If he was still hurt, he would never have asked to be set up with you."

Hobi nodded slowly. It made sense. He shouldn't worry.

"Okay. Thanks guys. I promise I won't fuck it up."

Jimin's scowl deepened. "Don't. We both know that's not a rational promise to be making. Especially to us."

Hoseok groaned and nodded. "Sorry. I know."

They were quiet for a moment until the bell rang cheerfully. Hobi sat up, excited, "Yoo-"

"Hey guys!"

It was Jin and Namjoon.

"Oh, hey...!"

Hobi got off his seat, getting ready to leave.

"Looks like we're all just waiting for Yoongi?"

Jimin nodded. "Hobi called him, he's on his way."

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