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song: Sliding Door Moments, by 015B, Benaddict

It isn't long before Christmas rolls around in the small city where this story takes place and the days are filled with either gift getting or gift guilting (being guilty cause you're not buying anyone gifts but inevitably deciding you don't have time and it's not that big of a deal. Example A: Min Yoongi)

"Do we have to get gifts for everyone?"

"I am getting gifts for a total of zero people, Namjoon, I have no idea what that even means."

Namjoon sighs, shoving his coat over his other coat over his hoodie, "I mean like Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok?"

Yoongi gives him a look. "Namjoon. They are your friends. Why are you asking me?"

"Whatever. I at least though you'd be getting Hobi a gift...?"

The salty look Namjoon gets is enough to shut him up about Hoseok.

"What about Jimin? He's done so much for you!"

Yoongi frowns, "He's done... Not sooo—okay... a decent amount... but," Yoongi groans, "How does it look if I get him a gift and no one else?"

Namjoon shrugs grabbing his bag and keys. "That's up to you, I guess. Just saying, they really aren't just my friends Yoongi, but it's up to you if you want to make an effort."

With that, he waves stupidly and closes the door over Yoongi's shouted: "That doesn't make any sense!" Leaving Yoongi to "make his choice," or whatever.

He hisses and calls his work that conveniently allows him a few days off upon his request for a couple hours. Odd. He's about to be an even bigger disappointment and just take the newfound freedom to sleep when Namjoon texts him.


Dinner at the café tonight with the rest of OUR friends!

Don't forget:)))

And wear something nice!

He groans and throws his phone across the couch, but, push-over that he is, he's ready to go in twenty minutes for his... Christmas shopping, or whatever.

Unfortunately, this consists of:

A photo album for Taehyung

A scarf for Jimin

A pair of socks for Jungkook

A book for Namjoon (probably the only remotely acceptable gift)

A pen for Jin

And a pack of sticky notes that say "Let the sun shine down" in stupid inspirational font for Hoseok. They were on clearance. Yoongi wasn't surprised.

He makes it back to his apartment by 4pm and has just enough time to wrap everything up and make himself presentable before Namjoon and Jin show up on his doorstep an hour and a half later.

"You're not ready?!"

"Uh," Yoongi pauses half-way out of his room glancing between Namjoon's unsurprised face and Jin's shocked one, "I am."

Perplexing SimplicitiesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя