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Taehyung woke up early like he usually did.

The golden white sunlight had barely begun to touch the tops of the buildings outside of his window but he decidedly couldn't fall back asleep.

Mostly because next to him was a sleeping boy with the most beautiful face in the world and the slightest marks of tears running down his cheeks.

Taehyung propped himself up on his elbow and gazed softly at his fluttering lashes. He could do it for hours. It was a Sunday morning. Hoseok never came home, and Jimin had already left the room. He could do it for hours; if he wanted to. He lifted his hand gently, instead, and laced it carefully over Jungkook's side. He couldn't get the stupid tear's out of his mind and he hated it. So instead, he hooked his arm around Jungkook and, as gently and slowly as he could, curled into him so his head rested against Jungkook's chest and his hand held the boy's shoulder.

He could lay like this for hours. Hours and hours and ho- Jungkook shifted. He wasn't awake. Was he?

Taehyung took the bet and pulled away slightly enough to examine Jungkook's face. Fluttering eyes, brows creased in a deep frown, but definitely still fast asleep- He shifted again. Away from Taehyung. Taehyung quickly unfastened his arm and as soon as he did, Jungkook rolled over, his back now the only thing visible.

Taehyung wanted to cry. He hated this. This feeling of helplessness and pain and early morning tears because the demons of the night never really fade and most of all he hated this wall that stood dark and cruel and strong between him and the ones he loved most.

He ended up leaving Jungkook in bed. He couldn't stand the idea that his presence made the boy uncomfortable even in his sleep. So, he left and went downstairs to see if Jimin would scare just as easily. He was praying he wouldn't.


Jimin turned, surprised, to face him. "Oh."

Taehyung's eyes fell. He didn't need to see the face of resentment first thing in the morning from his best friend so he looked at the floor instead. Jimin was quiet for a while, just moving around cleaning and making notes until finally he spoke again. "Can you get the coffee from the back?"

Taehyung felt a shiver run down his spine. He didn't know if it was the early morning, or the empty, silent street outside or the eeriness in Jimin's voice as it echoed around the small kitchen; but it struck him.

He let a small breath escape him before glancing up to face Jimin. "I don't want to fight."

Jimin looked at him, contemplating. "I know. Me neither."

"I just want-" his voice broke a little and he took a deep breath before carefully continuing. "I just want to talk to you again."

Jimin's tongue traced the inside of his mouth as he absorbed Tae's words. He couldn't talk. Not about this and not with Tae. He was scared and he knew he would let Tae down if he tried. He didn't want to fight.

"I can't. Not him. I-" He sighed and clenched his fist in silent determination. "I won't change my mind."

And that was all. Taehyung silently went to get the coffee and Jimin silently made it and later, when the sun's rays dared to wake the boy who had been awake since the moment his head hit the pillow, he came and drank it.

+ + +

The day flows by like sand in the wind: Taehyung is waiting tables, Jimin glued behind the counter as the hustle and bustle of customers ebbs and flows and Jungkook escaping through the back door every chance he can to deliver. The hours pass as Yoongi and Hoseok wake up, and as Hoseok runs to his father and Yoongi becomes enthralled in his new song. As Namjoon wakes up with Jin in his arms and has to defend his father's questions about what happened last night. As he says goodbye to Jin who has another shoot and leaves to deliver to The Whale. And as Yoongi finds himself once more wandering down the little street to the grey building with a glowing sign swinging in the wind over the door; 'The Whale'

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