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"Really? What is it?"

"Food, now get your ass in here!"

Jimin's mom pokes her head into the kitchen, scowling, "Yah! Is that anyway to talk to your mother!"

He nods his head jokingly and hands her a plate. "Eat."


They both sit down at the table and start eating, glancing at each other every couple of minutes.

"So, Vinnee's out of town for a couple of days... Just you and me. What you wanna do together?"

Jimin shrugs and gets up to get them both a glass of water. "I don't really have much I want to do, other than be with you of course."

His mom fake gags and gives him a nasty look. He sits back down across from her.


Her voice has returned to something resembling seriousness (as serious as his mother can achieve).

"It's been a long time you've been here without uh... You know."

"I don't, mum, just say it."

"Without... fixing things at home..."

He shrugs. "I just need some time..."

"Yeah," she takes one of his hands in hers. "You've had time. I don't want you to stay here just because you need an escape."


"No no, I didn't mean it that way. I know," she smiles softly and squeezes his hand, "I know you love me and want to visit too, just..." she sighs and lets his hand slide from hers. "I just don't like seeing you so upset."

He glances guiltily around the table and nods. "I know. I'll— I'll leave soon."

"Good." She smiles. "You're annoying me."

He squints at her before slowly getting up and taking his dish to the counter. He washes it and comes back, this time sitting beside her.

"I've missed you a lot mom." He smiles and slowly wraps his arms around her while she fake struggles away.

"Aish I really had to raise such a clingy child."

Jimin laughs and squeezes her tightly. "You know you missed me."

"Someone get this child out of my house I don't know him."

He pulls away, glaring. "Rude! I really might leave you know!"

She sucks air through her teeth and ruffles his hair, planting a dramatic kiss on his forehead that makes him grimace. "You could never. Don't kid yourself." She smiles at him and gets up to do her dish.

He watches her, calculating.

"You never told me..."


"What do you want to do today?"

He scratches his head for a while and then shrugs. "How about, whatever we want?"

She smiles and nods happily. "I applaud you son, you've just stated the obviously implied."

Perplexing Simplicitiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें