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Hoseok felt like he was sinking. Like everything in his life had just collapsed before his eyes and he was forced to watch it, knowing it was all his fault.

He needed to get out.

Out of his office.

Out of the building.

Out of his own stupid fucking head.

Digging through his bag he pulled out his phone and dialed a number.


No answer.




He wanted to scream and run and melt into the stupid sidewalk that just refused to eat him alive.

He tried one more time.


It killed him. But his dad answered.


He took a deep shaky breath.

"Hey dad. I kind of need someone to talk to right now..." his leg was shaking and he was trying really hard not to cry, biting down as hard as he could on his trembling lip. Calling his dad made everything a little too real. Because it told him he was just a kid. A reminder that he was still a scared little boy, running to his parents because he cut his knee.

"Hoseok... I hope this isn't anything serious" his dad sighed deeply on the other line, "I really can't handle anything more right now... you know that."

He was sorry. Hoseok knew how much it hurt his dad to have to decline his only a son a goddamn conversation but all he wanted to do was scream and yell at his dad for being such a pathetic loser, such an utter fucking failure of a parent that he could just-

"Yeah dad... don't worry about it. It's nothing. I'll come visit you soon, stay safe until then okay?"

He hung up and started walking. He didn't know where or why. He just couldn't handle this right now.

He found himself at the café. He knew where the spare key was and it was getting cold. He'd left his coat at the studio on accident, Shit.

No one was inside, so slipping in the back door, Hobi collapsed behind the counter. No one could see him from outside and he could crash here at least until Jimin and Taehyung got back.

He sat on the floor for what felt like hours before finally giving in. He was never as strong as he wished he was.

He grabbed a beer from the fridge and poured himself a glass. He was just about finished downing the whole thing when a sudden clatter made him jump.

"What the...!"

Hobi whirled on his heel. Behind him, standing in the doorway, was a very shaky, very tired looking boy.

"Jungkook? What-" Hobi stopped and quickly hid the beer behind his back. "What are you doing here?"

Jungkook laughed shakily and shrugged. He looked like shit.


"You don't have to hide it."

Hoseok gave him a questioning look.

"The beer. I know what alcohol is."

Hobi laughed and nodded.

He knew he'd regret it, but he didn't really care much about consequences today.

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