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After what felt like at least three hours of dancing and jumping up and down and drinking like camels, Jimin and Taehyung had taken a break to go get some water at the bar, leaving Jungkook under the supervision of some college girls.

"WATER!!!" Taehyung grabbed the drinks once they were ready and took two for himself, handing one to Jimin. Carefully they made their way back to Jungkook, pulling him out of the crowd and over to a slightly less crowded corner.

He wouldn't stop laughing and Taehyung was getting annoyed. "Kookie! Drink! Now!"

Jungkook giggled. "Thanks TAETAE!!!" He continued giggling hysterically as he drank his water, never once breaking eye contact with the glaring Taehyung.

So maybe... Taehyung didn't love that everyone in the club seemed to be all over Jungkook. And most of them were hot college girls, and maybe it was pissing him off a little bit that Jungkook was too drunk to realize he was flirting with literally everyone. But it was normal right? Except, Jimin wasn't bothered by it. Taehyung shook his head grumpily. He knew that's not why Jimin wasn't annoyed, it's just cause Jimin was like that too. Flirting with everyone and being just about the most attractive thing alive. Taehyung was realizing he might have a type...

"Hey! What's your name?!"

Great. Another one.

Jungkook grinned at the girl in front of them cheekily and mumbled a bit to himself before yelling, "KOOK!!!"

The girl smiled flirtatiously and attempted to stroke his shoulder sweetly as he stumbled back and forth. "Hey Kook! You wanna dance with me?"

Taehyung was so, so, done. "HE DOESN'T WOMAN!"

The girl glared at him. "Says who?!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "His sexuality, you dumbass!!!"

Jimin scowled and pulled Taehyung closer to him. "Hey man calm down, what the hell are you doing?!"

Taehyung growled and through Jimin off. "I swear to god lady if you don't back up off him-"

"He never said he was... GAY so why don't YOU back up off him!"

This bitch was just not giving up.

"He's not gay?!" He wasn't. "If he's not gay than explain THIS!" Before the woman could do anything, or Jimin, or Jk for that matter, Taehyung grabbed the youngest's collar and kissed him, smack on the lips, right in this bitche's face.

"Tae!" Jimin groaned but was forced to shut up as Jungkook started giggling like a maniac again. "Taetae, you're cute."

Taehyung didn't even have time to guffaw over how adorable his Kookie was being because he was too busy giving the woman the biggest 'so there' smile he'd ever worn.

He had no idea it would work; it was such an unbelievable shot in the dark of awful ways to handle the situation but, she did walk away.

Jimin, however, was pissed. He turned to Taehyung who now held a sleepy Jungkook in his arms. "What the hell was that?!" Jimin's teeth were gritted and his fists balled up by his sides. Taehyung tried very hard not to shrink under his best friend's glare.

"I-I'm sorry?!" Taehyung grimaced. "I'm sorry! I- I shouldn't have done that...!"

Jimin growled. "NO! You SHOULDN'T have!!! Not only did you just take advantage of our drunk friend! But we agreed not to do anything about our... FEELINGS!"

Taehyung moaned and slapped his forehead with the one hand that wasn't holding up Jungkook's body. "I'm sorry Jimin it's just so-" Taehyung faltered as his eyes landed on someone behind Jimin.

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