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Jimin grew up like this:

"Eomma!!!! Where's my lunch bag?!"

"Um, I think it's drying, just take my purse!"

"EeEeoooOOOmmmmMAmaAAaa, that's not how society works! I'll get bullied!"

Jimin's mom stumbles out from the closet, still trying to smash her foot into a pair of boots.

"Well, if society doesn't understand the process of drying than I don't think you should be so worried about what they think?

Jimin sighs and grabs her purse off the counter with a series of mumbles and a reluctantly cheerful 'love you eomma!'

That night they go to the school and spray paint the feminist logo on every surface you can find after Jimin returns home covered in jam.

By the morning his mom has found another school for him and he's enrolled by the end of the week.

It wasn't always like this. Sometimes they would move, sometimes they would yell at a principal, and sometimes, they would get over it. But they survived, together, with everything they had and each other.


"EEOOOMMMAA!!! I'm HoooOOooMMmmmmMe!"

The house was filled with sunlight and it looked just the same as it had when he moved out all those years ago. Jimin sighs and moves to put his bags down on the couch that's covered with laundry and unfinished sewing patterns.

There's a loud clambering and someone yells, "Jimin??!?"

He can't help but laugh and goes to help his mother untangle herself from the screen door only so she can tackle him in a hug. They're both laughing now but her giggles quickly dissolve into little whimpers.

"Goddamnitt Jimin! Why don't you ever CALL?!"

She pulls away, little tears rimming her eyes, but she's still smiling, "God, I missed you so much."

He pulls her back into the hug and nuzzles his head into her hair. Always the same, she's exactly how he remembers her. "I missed you too eomma... You have no idea."

"Love," she pulls away and runs a hand through his hair, her eyes deepened in concern, "Is everything okay at home? Why didn't you bring Taehyung?"

Jimin pauses, he should have known better than to try and hide... anything, really, from his all-knowing mother. If intuition was a person, it'd be her.

Before he can answer her, the front door swings open, and in comes a tall woman carrying five grocery bags.

"Am I la-"

She sighs as her eyes find Jimin and he smiles, immediately running to help her.

"Dammnit, I really thought I could make it before you got here."

"Aish, what are you doing trying to carry this much stuff, you'll break a hip!" Jimin scowls and helps her unload. He holds up a bag of party poppers and glances between the two women. "You really didn't have to do this Mom."

They both laugh, and the taller turns to him, snatching the bag away. "Those aren't for youuuu." He doesn't miss the look his moms exchange though as she says it, the 'crap, he got us' look.

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