"Secrets" George x reader

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Things to know:
Your parents are dead, they died before you came to Hogwarts, and 1 year later, Greyback found you, and now you are a werewolf. No one knows these things about you. Every time Fred and George asked you where you went at the end of the month or behaved or looked unwell you just said 'monthly things' which wasn't wrong, they just thought it was the dreaded period girls always talk about, and you weren't complaining. You found a way to hide the scars you got on your face, but didn't bother with the ones on your body, since no one saw it anyways. The only person who knew was Madam Pomfrey, Dumbledore, and your head of house staff, McGonagall and even then, they didn't know about your parents. During the summers, you would just go to the orphanage, George and Fred learned to stop asking to meet them, seeing as you always said something new as to why they couldn't. Oh, and your a chaser on the quidditch team.

———————story time—————————————

You were going to professor Lupins class with your best friends George and Fred, Fred and George, however you put it. "I wonder what we are doing today?" You ask looking at George. He was was looking at the open door in-front of you. "Yea, I heard something about, bogarts was it?" Fred says from beside you. You panicked for a second before smirking at him and George. "What do you recon yours to be?" You ask nudging George. Then nudging Fred shortly after. "I don't know, we just have to wait and see then, huh (y/l/n)?" George says nudging you into the wall. "Yea, I suppose." You say smirking.

You three walk in the classroom, the desks and chairs where pushed to the side walls, and in the middle of the room was a cabinet with professor Lupin next to it. "Today, we will be tackling bogarts." He looks at all of us. "Now, the spell to help you with a bogart is reddiculus. Now say it with me, no wands just yet. Reddiculus. 1. 2. 3." A chorus of reddiculus was heard throughout the room. "Very good, now, line up, go on, wands at the ready." You were basically in the front, only 4 people in front of you, George behind you with Fred behind him.

Professor Lupin unlocks the cabinet with a flick of his wand and the first 4 people's where something basic like a clown, spiders and such. But now it was your turn. The bogart froze for a second, then turned into something you semi expected.

Finrir Greyback was looking at you. You froze, then remembered it was a bogart. Just as you are about to yell the counter spell, he starts running at you, just like he did that night. You yell out 'reddiculus' and now he has no claws, no teeth, and he is slipping everywhere. People start to laugh, and you decide to laugh along with them to sell what you were trying to. Luckily, no one asked about it.

Now George is up, and his quickly turns into a dead Fred and, you? In-front of him. He freezes then yells the counter spell, causing it to go away completely, changing into a different scene. Then, Fred's turns into his whole family turned away from him, not responding to him. Then when he says reddiculus, they turn around like it's a surprise party.

You turn to George, who was watching his brother start to walk towards you two. "It's okay Georgie." You grab his hand, squeezing it reassuringly. He smiles at you before turning to his brother. The rest of class goes as normal, laughing at people bogarts, and you were secretly thankful no one questioned yours.

———————time skip to next full moon—————

It was the next full moon and you were in the shrieking shack. This is where you always went. You hadn't seen Fred nor George in a couple hours, so you assumed they were pulling a prank or something. Then, much to your surprise and dread, you hear Fred and George am calling your name. "(Y/n)? We saw you come in here! Why? What are you up too?" George says creeping around. "Guys! GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!" You yell at them.
"What? Why?" Fred says looking around the shack. "BECAUSE I SAID! NOW GET OUT!" You could see the moon coming up from behind the clouds. "PLEASE! PLEASE LEAVE BEFO-" but you were cut off by the familiar pain shooting in your back. You scream and land on your knees.

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