"New student" Harry x reader

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You were the new student at Hogwarts. It was fifth year and you had transferred from Durmstrang. You didn't know anyone, so you had a bit of trouble making your way through the new castle. But you had met a few girls, Hermione, Ginny, Lavender, and Parvati. They seemed nice, but they definitely had a mean girl factor.

You were going to transfiguration. Girls would look at you as you walked the halls, maybe because they thought you were pretty, but that wasn't important.

All the hallways looked the same, so you were getting bit lost. You didn't show it though, at Durmstrang you were told not to. It was a way of showing you were weak, and how you let people push you around.

Being a half-blood at a mostly halfblood and pure-blood school, there was a lot of bad talk and hate, people always striving to be the best of the best.

You had to have made a wrong turn, because this corridor did not look too familiar to you. There were barley any portraits and there was only few small doors.

"What are you doing over here?" You hear a male voice from behind you.

You spin around and see, Harry Potter. His name definitely got around at Durmstrang, and mostly not in the good way. Most of the kids parents were supporters of you-know-who, and anyone who was against or tried to stop him, was an immediate threat to their power they had collected. The power that he promised them to have when he finally killed the boy once and for all.

Much to the pleasure of your witch mother, you never got into the whole blood supremacy thing, and stayed out of the drama with the pure-blood students.

"I just need to find the transfiguration room." You grip your books slightly tighter your your side and grilled your bag strap in your hand.

"Well, that classroom is this way, follow me." He said nodding his head in the opposite direction. You let out a small huff before widening your strides to match up with his.

"So you're the one from Durmstrang? Right?" He asked you questions nearly the whole way there, which you only responded in blunt answers.

"What was it like there? Cold?" He looked at you nearly the whole time, glancing occasionally at the watch on his wrist and where he was walking to see if he was making the right turns.

"It was full of blood-supremacy obsessed pricks. And it got cold, yes." You looked around you both, trying to get special portraits and things for next time, so you knew where to go based off small landmarks. Soon, there was a wide door, and students crowded around it.

They all looked at you as you two walked through the door, it seemed you both were a few minutes early.

"Ahh, miss (or mister) y/l/n, nice of you to finally be here with us." You could only imagine who is professor McGonagall called out to you. "Ahh, mister Potter, your early for a change." She reminded Harry as he sat in his seat across the room. "Oh, and dear, you can sit there." She pointed to a seat near where you were standing. It was across the room but still in Harry's line of sight.

Right as you set your bag on the floor, the bell rang and students began to pile into the room and into their seat. They whispered as they passed you by. They never came up to you, only talked around you. It never bothered you. As long as you got your needed school work done with, you were fine on your own.

As class ended, you saw Hermione with Ginny and some other random girls near the exit door. Were they waiting for you? Asking for help with something? You just packed quicker and sped walked over to them.

Hermione had a stern look on her face while Ginny had a sad-sour one.

"What were you doing talking to Harry? And walking to class with him?" She asked lifting an eyebrow.

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