"It Started at Hogsmead" Harry x reader

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You were a Slytherin going into your 5th year. You became a prefect and had to bunk with another perfect and you were waiting on the top bunk in your dorm for them to arrive.

Even though you were a slytherin, you were always nice to people. You actually mostly hung out with the Gryffindors. Sitting at their table, hanging out of week ends/after school, studying, doing homework.

Your family was the only one with enough sense to not want anything to do with Voldemort, so these reasons led to most of Slytherin hating you. You made sure to stick up for yourself and for your friends though.

The year had just begun, as in the feast had ended like 20 minutes ago. You were happy to be spending another year with your friends, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Neville, Luna, the twins, Ginny and only when the door opened you realized you had been lost in your thoughts.

You looked over the side of the bed and froze in your place. Draco Malfoy. You had to share a room with Draco Malfoy.

You smiled and went down the ladder to the floor. You go to your trunk and pull out some sheets.

"What are you doing?" Draco says confused. He also had an annoyed tone in his voice.

You took out your wand and charmed the blankets so that they went around your bed on top, so that you couldn't see what was up there.

"What's that for?" Draco says looking at to space above you.

"So I can my privacy and you can have yours." You say with a 'duh' expression.

"Oh, okay then." He says starting to unpack his trunk. He had his usual 'scrunged up nose' face on, but you paid him no more attention than needed.

You already finished so you took out your text books and placed them on your desk, which you claimed by putting your bag on it earlier.

Even though it was 9:30, you decided to get ready for bed.

You take a quick shower, brush your teeth, hair etc. When you get out of the bathroom Draco is gone. You grab your book and go behind the sheets surrounding your bed, hunkering down for the night.


You wake up 6:30 and get up, and get ready (no need for detail right?). You walk through the common room one your way to get to the great hall. You get some looks, but you just ignore them and keep walking.

You get to the great hall and sit with the Gryffindors. You sit next to Harry. "So, now there are three perfect at the table." Harry says jokingly. "Oh and, who is your roommate (y/n)?" He says turning to you. "You'll never believe it but, Malfoy." You say looking at all of them. "Oh Merlin, no way!" Harry says looking at you. You have herbology with Ravenclaw so you find Luna and go to the greenhouses.

Classes go by easy, all the professors talk about the O.W.L.s and what to expect from them. You have 2 essays due by the end of the week

Now your at dinner. "Hey, do you guys want to meet up and do the potions essay together?" You ask shoving a potato on your fork. "Yes, definitely, and we can the transfiguration one as well? Let's say meet up in the Gryffindor common room at 8:30?" "Um sure, should be done with detention then anyways." Harry says gloomily. "How did you get detention on the first day?" You ask almost yelling. "Actually for the first week, and second, she deserved it." He said seriously. You looked at him for a moment and he looked a bit angry. "Harry are you alright?" You ask concerned, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Yes, perfectly fine." He responds almost tense. You pull him to where he his looking at you. "Harry, we have been friends since year one, I know when something is bothering you." You bring him closer so only he can hear you. "Please, tell me." You feel him shiver. "I'll tell you later," he whispers back. He leans back and turns to his plate. Ron was looking at you. "What?" "What were you two whispering about?" He asks raising an eyebrow. "Ugh, Ronald!" Hermione says waking his arm. "I'm just asking!" You and Harry roll your eyes.

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