"Real affection" Harry x reader

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You had been having problems lately, with almost everything. You had been dating Draco Malfoy for a while, and when he asked you out first, you were stunned.

He said he liked you, but after barley passing the 5 month mark, he stopped paying attention to you, and more to the girls who started to flirt with him one again.

It hurt, clearly, because he was one of the first boys (or person really) to show the minimal affection to you that he did.

But finally, he seemed to have plucked up the courage and enough of an ego boost to dump you. You knew it was coming, so it didn't hurt you as bad as you thought it should have (in your mind at least).

But this small thing in your life was about to set off a whole train of butterfly affects, but the good kind.

It started off with Harry Potter deciding to pair up and sit next to you in class, making casual, friendly small talk.

He seemed to actually care about what you were saying, and asked you questions about yourself. Questions Draco never seemed to care enough about to find that answer for.

That was how it started, but soon, he would give you small amounts of praise every time you both would get the potion right, even if it wasn't on the first try.

You were used to the kind of treatment where if you didn't get something right in the first try, you were called 'stupid' and left alone to figure out your own mistakes for yourself. So when he would say good job after the third try, you would look at him with an surprised and confused face.

Then, he started asking you for study sessions in the library after classes, and ask if you wanted to do your homework together.

It confused you more than anything. Was this normal? Was it normal for someone to treat you with this much respect without you having to earn it first? That's what you've always been taught. Was they way your parents taught wrong?

You thought he would stop with the kind gestures after that, but he invited you to hang out with him during dinner and breakfast, letting you sit at the Gryffindor table instead of the Hufflepuff one.

He started introducing you to knew people who were just as kind as he was. Who gave you warm smiles when you would shyly walk up with Harry.

The more you started hanging out with people, the more you thought of how your parents taught you, and how people from your past treated you as a whole. Where they wrong? Have they always been wrong?

It had been around five months that this had been happening, and you found yourself becoming less and less awkward each day. You became a little less shy to talk to people, and came out of your shell a little more.

"Um, y/n, I was wondering if maybe, you would want to go to the black lake with me later." Harry whispered to you while stirring his electric blue potion.

"Um sure. What would we do?" You question as you chop up some more daisy roots.

"Um I don't know, hang out. Talk." He mumbled so Snape wouldn't hear him.

You thought for a short moment, but came up with your answer fairly quickly. "Yea, I can hang out for a little while." You say with a small smile.

You glance up from your potion and see him looking at you as well, and you saw a small smile on his face but he looked away and down at his potion as soon as you made eye contact. You let out a small chuckle to let some of the air from your lungs out, and moved your attention back to your potion as well.

"What time would we meet up? And where?" You ask quietly, disguising your speaking with a clearing of your throat.

"Um," he leaned closer to you. "Just meet me there after dinner or something." He covered his mouth slightly as he spoke, trying not to draw to much attention to himself.

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