"Haters" (ending 1) Harry x reader

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You were just trying to walk to the quidditch pitch, because you had to train your team seeing as you were the Ravenclaw Captain.

"Where you going (y/l/n)?" You hear the all too familiar voice come from some distance behind you.

Harry. James. Potter.

You two hate each other, always have, but you never really knew why, maybe you had more feeling about him, but you had more important things to do. But that didn't matter now, you just needed to get there 10 minutes before practice starts so you can set things up.

"I'm going to the pitch to set things up for MY team, Potter, what are you doing?" You ask looking behind you to see him leaning on a railing not to far away.

"Just making sure your not up to no good, which you aren't." He said back, his voice echoing off the walls as you walked farther and farther backwards.

"Well, as much as I would love to talk with you, I have a team to coach so we can beat Slytherin next week." You say turning back around, your bag hitting your leg as you spun around.

You continued to walk down the hallways, the sun started going down, so you had to be quick with your seekers today.

You looked at the watch on your wrist, you had about 13 minutes to get there, open the locker rooms, and set things up.

You broke out into a sprint, and you didn't have much longer until you got to the pitch.

You go immediately go to the locker rooms so you can change and unlock them for your players.

You got your deep blue quidditch robes on, along with your padding, but saved the gloves for when needed, those things were too bulky for normal wear.

Next, you went to the pitch and decided what you were going to do and how much of the field you actually needed, and ended up going with half the field, seeing as you had 2 hours tops of practice before the night took over the sky completely.

As you set up, your teammates started showing up, not loud, but not low energy, but you understood, teachers had been really laying out work recently due to the middle-of-the-year-tests.

You mounded your broom and flew up so you could plan from above, because it was far easier from the view you would be practicing at.

You waited another five-ish minutes to wait for the whole team to get here, and since they are Ravenclaws, they are all on time, like usual.

You flew down and landed in-front of them, who had formed a half circle facing away from the setting sun.

"Okay, I decided that practice will only be an hour and a half today, because I know school is giving a lot of work recently, and things are stressful with middle-of-the-year-tests coming up soon. I know most of us are stressing about NEWTS next year, like me, but some are worried about OWLs. We could all need a little break soon enough, so let's make things quick." You say clapping your hands together.

Almost everyone let out sighs of relief, which made you feel nice knowing you did something right. But not only relief for them, but for you as well.

"Okay come on everyone, up!" You say waving your arms at their brooms next to them.

Some in groups, some one by one, they show up into the air, taking warm-up laps like always.

You took the quaffle out of its box and threw it to one of your chasers, which they caught and started passing around. You also decided that you would wait to take the bludgers out until everyone was warmed up enough.

It was going normal, you were seeing them fly around from below, they really had improved, and that made you feel nice.

All of a sudden, one of your players calls out.

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