Blood and Marriage // Leebury

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trigger warnings :
forced marriage , lots of mentions of blood violence and death

Lee laughed darkly as he watched the current king bleed out on his throne. The head of King George the III lolled to the right. His crown slipped off his head and rolled right to Lee's feet. He smiled and wiped some if the extra blood off of it. Lee lazily draped it on his head, knowing that killing George would automatically make him king. A shorter, red-haired servent entered the throne room and looked at the dying body of the king and Lee wearing the blood ridden crown.

"You'd make a fine prince, hm?" he said, going over to the young servant. Lee walked the servant to the pool of blood collected under the king and dipped his fingers into the liquid. He then traced a careful heart onto the silent servant's face. The servant saw nothing but insanity in Lee's eyes and smile.

"That's better, now the world can see how much I love this prince! What's your name, my prince?" Lee asked. The servant was too scared to disobey, seeing the look Lee had.

"Samuel... Samuel Seabury," he muttered, hoping he could wash off the blood soon.

"Ah~! A beautiful name for a beautiful face! I wonder how soon we can marry so you can rule this country with me!" Lee yelled in the throne room. The echoes from the hollowness of the room really showed. The crown shifted on Lee's head and somehow made him look more insane.

"Anyway, time to tell the kingdom that their king is gone," Lee said, taking off the crown and twirling it in his hands. Samuel had forgotten since the king was dead that Lee would be obligated to be the new ruler. Lee patted the throne where the queen would usually sit and Samuel took it as a hint to sit there. He quickly obliged and felt some weight be added to his head.

"I like the queen's crown better than this one for you," Lee muttered, removing the weight from Samuel's head.

"I'll see you in a few minutes, my prince," Lee said, leaving the throne room.

As promised, Lee was back in approximately 10 minutes later, holding a smaller, silver crown. He gently placed it on Samuel's head, admiring the work. The small dripped heart on his cheek, the clean, pristine crown on his head, and the innocent vibe he gave off seemed to make Lee happy as he carried off the body of King George. Samuel was petrified of the situation he got in, but somehow liked the way Lee walked with ease out of the room with the bloodied body and murder weapon.


A week had past by, and now Samuel was forced to be getting a simple marriage to Lee. It scared him that he was being married to someone who was a murderer of royalty, but he tried to act absolutely fine with it. Having not talked much to Lee, Samuel was afraid to even give to simple "I do".

But it had to be done. Samuel rubbed the spot where Lee had left the bloody heart when they first met as he glanced at the clock. He stepped out in the clothing he was made to wear and walked down to the alter where Lee stood with a smile. The priest started to talk but Samuel's thoughts drifted off until he heard.

"Samuel Seabury, do you take Charles Lee to be your lawfully wedded husband?" From the priest.

"I- I do," he stammered out. It wasn't what he wanted, but it was what he got.

( short n angsty )

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