One Bed // Leebury

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"...Who made the sleeping arrangements again?" Samuel asked, staring in shock at the room.

"Lafayette, I think. At least you're not John," Charles mumbled. He sat his stuff by the old-fashioned radiator. It didn't appear to be on or had been used in the past three decades. His eyes glazed over the room once more.

"I think he's with Alexander, and is indubitably in a larger room with him," Samuel said. He sat his bag by the desk, his eyes flicking to the hotel bible. He had packed his own, there was no telling what was actually written along those pages from various guests. Charles seemed hesitant in his words as he sat in the chair.

"I mean, it's Lafayette we're talking about... Anyways, I think I'll sleep in this chair, I would take the floor, but some of those stains are quite questionable," he said. Samuel glanced at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"And hurt your back?" Samuel asked. He started to sift through his things for his hygiene products.

"Well, the next option is the bathtub, but hotels have small bathtubs and I might want to stretch out," Charles said. He was pleased to find that the chair spun with a slight kick. Samuel had most of his things out, only missing his shampoo. He kept moving things around, making annoyed groans. With a final huff, he accepted that he had forgotten his shampoo.

"We can figure something out. Do you mind if I... if I borrow your shampoo?" Samuel asked. If he had glanced up, he would've noticed Charles's shocked and flushed face.

"Sure, I'll get it," Charles mumbled. He got out of the spinny chair and opened his bag. It didn't take him long to find the shampoo, though Samuel swore the bag had looked incredibly messy.

"Can you ask for more pillows? I think I have an idea," Samuel said before heading to shower. Charles nodded, trying to figure out the hotel phone. Finally, the room service picked up.

"Uh, hi, can I get a few more pillows? It's room 319," Charles said rather quickly. He flushed red with embarrassment as he placed the phone back. Within a few minutes, someone knocked at the door, holding the pillows he requested. He thanked the person and gave them a small tip. Chatles stared at pillows, trying to figure out what Samuel was thinking. As the silence settled, he heard a faint humming. It was a sweet tune, emitting from the bathroom. Charles quickly realized it was Samuel humming to some song. It didn't matter what song, Samuel could be Rick-Rolling him and he would still be enthralled.

Charles didn't notice the moment Samuel left the bathroom until Samuel cleared his throat. Charles looked up from his phone and minor  debate with Lafayette and John for the sleeping arrangements.

"I left your shampoo in there," Samuel said, his hair still soaked. Charles stared as he collected his stuff as Samuel dried his hair. It stuck in funny ways, but the urge to run his hands over the auburn locks was incredibly strong. Charles shook his head and quickly showered. The scent of Samuel's body wash had filled the bathroom, it made Charles slight smile to himself. When he left, Samuel was busy trying to balance the pillows in the middle of the bed. Charles watched as he sat back in the chair.

"I said I'll be fine on the chair," he said. Samuel made an annoyed grunt as he looked at Charles.

"No, I get one side, and you get another. We don't need to touch and you don't get to deal with back pain tomorrow," Samuel said. Charles ran a hand through his hair as he thought. A pillow wall wasn't particularly stable, but was it really a vice to end up cuddling Samuel? Perhaps the backlash that Samuel would eventually omit the next day, but it was an otherwise flawless idea. Cautiously, he laid on the half of the bed Samuel didn't occupy. The pillows remained slightly upright between their bodies. Samuel was out in a minute, snoring softly. Charles twisted to glance at him, smiling at the relaxed look Samuel had. He fell asleep at the sight.

Samuel quickly awoke as something, or someone, moved around. He gazed through tired eyes, immediately noticing the pillow wall was in shambles. Charles was pressed against the headboard, taking heaving breaths. He didn't seem to notice that Samuel had gotten up.

"Are you okay?" Samuel muttered, holding out his hand. Charles almost fell off the bed, scooting away from Samuel. Slowly, he shook his head. Samuel sat up fully, rubbing all sleep from his eyes. Charles immediately threw himself against Samuel, shocking them both.

"I'm sorry," Charles mumbled. Samuel hesitantly moved his hand into Charles's hair. It seemed to relax the other, however, so Samuel kept moving. Charles relaxed soon enough, falling back asleep. Samuel meant to push him back to his share of the bed but he fell asleep with his arms loosely holding Charles's body and his hand tangled in his hair. Charles woke up first in the morning, though he didn't move. Samuel still had a hold on his body, but he was spooned by Charles. Charles quickly let his eyes close again, just to relish the moment for a little longer. Samuel woke up not long after, attempting to pull himself free from Charles. Charles groaned and pulled Samuel closer, desperate to not lose the moment.

"The pillow wall didn't work," Samuel commented, still attempting to free himself.

"No, but I've wanted this for a long time," Charles mumbled, burying his face into Samuel's shoulder. Samuel froze, glancing back at Charles for a moment.

"Really? I mean, I guess if you don't want a pillow wall, I wouldn't mind," Samuel said. He could feel Charles smile along his shoulder.

"Only if you're okay with it. I don't want you uncomfortable," Charles said. Samuel turned around, redder than Charles had ever seen him.

"Comfort means something that offers ease and relaxation, right?" Samuel asked. Charles looked confused for a moment, he needed a moment to absorb the question.

"...Yes?" he hesitated. Samuel nodded and allowed himself to be pulled back into Charles.

"I'm comfortable then. Perhaps, I had wanted this to," Samuel said. They almost fell back asleep, though someone knocked on the door. Charles grumbled as he got up. He waved for Samuel to remain in bed. John stood on the other side, smiling in a teasing way.

"Morning, we're going exploring in an hour, so I suggest you and your boyfriend start hurrying up," John said. Charles felt like he could murder John right where they stood, but he just closed the door. Samuel was up and sifting through his bag for clothes.

"Can you believe he called us boyfriends? I mean, I'd love to be your boyfriend, but seriously? John thinks he's so... so... you know?" Charles asked. When he looked up, Samuel was gone, already humming in the shower.

10 k reads bby , thats how fucking awesome i am >:-D

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