Door // Hamburr

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(bucket o'ships said hamburr and violette brain said door, so heres your hamburr before i sleep, sorry about pausing tye october thing, the last one is in the works)

(appearances are open for interpretation)

Aaron sighed as he grabbed a few of his things. Not the first time this has happened. He can just stay at James's place till Alex cooled off. Aaron sighed as he saw Alexander sitting at the table looking like he was about to cry. He wanted to just hug Alexander and tell him everything would be fine. But could it? After this?

Gosh, Aaron hoped so. It normally did, but what of this was the last one? What if this was the breaking point? What if there was no mending what's been broken?

Aaron stumbled back into the couch as his thoughts took over, filling his head with obscure 'what if' scenarios that could never happen. Or so Aaron hoped. Alexander heard the quickened breathing of his boyfriend and got up.

"Burr, what the hell I said..." The statement started strong, but was quickly diminished as Alexander saw the state Aaron was entering. He grabbed Aaron's hands and held them together.

"Ron, breathe, look at me, no, look at me," Alexander said, freeing one of his hands to turn Aaron's head as he kept turning away. He used his thumb to wipe the tears off Aaron's face and smiled softly. Aaron imitated the smile but he still cried.

"It's just your imagination, I promise," Alexander reassured, moving his thumb across Aaron's knuckles. Aaron laughed under his breath a bit. He couldn't tell if it was just him losing his sanity or just for a sense of reassurance to himself.

"Yeah... imagination," Aaron repeated. Alexander nodded and looked up into Aaron's eyes. Aaron's eyes turned away, knowing that a small part of Alexander was still upset about earlier and that this whole situation was bothering him. So, Aaron began to get up to go to James's.

"Where are you going?" Alexander asked, taking a gentle hold on Aaron's wrist. Anything too harsh would probably bring him back to his childhood and his uncle. Alexander placed a small kiss on Aaron's cheek and used his free hand to trace his other cheek.

"Please, stay, I don't care about earlier, I only care about you," Alexander said. Aaron compiled and they stayed up until 2 am watching stupidly cute movies and just forgetting the rest of their shitty days.

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