If?! // Lafbury

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Samuel slowly woke up, his head resting on something much warmer than his pillow. He felt someone's fingers lightly messing with his hair, making him want to sleep some more. Finally, a soft, familiar voice spoke.

"Yeah... I really don't know what I'd do without him, Samuel is just so perfect for me," Lafayette said, letting his hand pause on Samuel's head as he looked down. Samuel kept his body relaxed and his eyes closed, seemingly asleep while Lafayette continued his conversation.

"Why don't you two just date already?" Charles asked, looking at the two.

"I don't know if he feels that way, but if he did, I might..." Lafayette said, letting his hand wander down to Samuel's jawline and carefully tracing it, as if it would cause injury if he put any more pressure, but he would let go if he touched any lighter.

"If? If?! The boy fell asleep on your lap and you're questioning if he likes you romantically? If Samuel wasn't sleeping on you, I'd smack you," Charles said, making an audible sigh. Samuel decided that moment would probably be best to "get up". He slightly curled into Lafayette's side and buried his face into his shirt. Lafayette lifted his hand, careful of what Samuel was going to do next. Samuel lifted his head and looked at Lafayette.

"Why'd you stop?" he asked groggily. Lafayette gave a light laugh before putting his hand back into Samuel's hair. Samuel dropped his head back into the crevice of Lafayette's hip.

"Hey, Samuel, can I ask you something?" Charles asked. Lafayette's arm tensed a little as he pulled his hand away to let Samuel flip over.

"Do you like anyone?" Charles asked, giving a smug look to Lafayette.

"Mmm, yeah, but they're quite a dumbass," Samuel said, keeping himself settled in Lafayette's lap.

"Really? Have you tried asking them out?" Charles asked.

"I'm sure Samuel's still tired- we shouldn't bother him too much-" Lafayette said quickly.

"No, I'm fine, I won't be able to sleep tonight if I get any more right now. And I don't know how to ask anyone out, but I've been trying to seem more romantic and clingy in hopes they'll ask me out in return," Samuel said.

"Is... your crush in this room?" Charles asked, clearly trying to get the pair together.

"Uh....Next question? Can I use a lifeline?" Samuel asked, half jokingly. A blush grew on his face and he sat up and out of Lafayette's lap. However, he immediately let his head fall onto Lafayette's shoulder.

"...So yes? You can be honest, it's only the three of us," Charles said, giving an almost father like look.

"Hey- I never said yes! I didn't say no either," Samuel defended, lifting his head off of Lafayette. Lafayette gave a little pout.

"Alright, seems like you're avoiding for a reason, hey, Lafayette, what about you? Do you have a crush on anyone?" Charles asked, not having to move much to make eye contact with Lafayette.

"Oui," Lafayette said, looking directly at Charles.

"Have you tried asking them out?" Charles asked.

"Non, I don't know if they like me back," Lafayette said. Samuel gave a small huff, and moved himself so he sat on Lafayette's lap, facing the Frenchman. Lafayette looked over him at back at Charles.

"I knew he was a dumbass..." Samuel muttered. Lafayette didn't seem to hear as he waited for Charles to ask his next question.

"I absolutely agree, Sam," Charles said, shaking his head a bit. Samuel felt Lafayette move to get a look at him.

"Uh- What are you doing? Why does Charles agree with you?" Lafayette asked.

"We're agreeing that you're a dumbass. And this is what I'm doing," Samuel said before he leaned up to gently kiss Lafayette. Lafayette stiffened before kissing back gently, using Samuel's position to get the two as close as possible. Samuel pulled away and smiled a bit.

"I think he likes you back, Laf," Charles said once he was sure they weren't making out on his bed anymore.

"...Shut up," Lafayette said quietly.

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