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anyways , as i was making a joke abt my inserted character , i came up with this basic plot , and i wanted to lowkey write it , so like :-) btw this is my ( montys ) pov

I sat on the lawn, before anyone in my home was awake. It was a tradition, starting when I woke up at six in the morning on accident and decided to get some fresh air. That morning, I met Bucky, he was on some run. I don't know who would willing get up that early to run of all things. We exchanged a few words, then he was off again. My brain made it a habit to wake up at six in the morning, despite most of my body refusing it, I got up to talk to Bucky. I often wondered if he could've been a serial killer, I mean, he does willing getting up at least 5 in the morning to go running. However, he began to buy me gummy bears and worms, so I considered him trustworthy.

I saw him running up with a bottle of Gatorade in his hand and his metal arm reaching into his pocket. I straightened up against the fence of my yard and waved at him. He gave me a pack of gummy bears and I internally cheered. It was easier to recreate the American Revolution with gummy bears over gummy worms, because I had to rip and mix the gummy worms for each side, unless said gummy worm was supposed to represent someone like Benedict Arnold or John André. I picked out 5 gummy bears of different colors and put a few into my mouth before rolling the bag to fit in my hoodie pocket. I grabbed the green, blue, and red bears and set them to the side while I took the yellow and orange ones. I began to sing some Hamilton songs to myself as I acted as if the orange bear was Alexander Hamilton and the yellow one was George Washington. I pulled out a clear one when I realized I didn't have an extra for other characters such as Lafayette, Eliza, and Mulligan. I made the red bear represent John Laurens, before placing him back with the other two.

"Instead of me, he promotes Charles Lee, makes him second-in-command: I'M A GENERAL, WHEE!" I sang, grabbing the blue gummy bear. I laughed at myself for a second before continuing. I felt myself fill with joy, yesterday I had recreated the Battle of Monmouth for my own enjoyment, there was something about Charles Lee that always excited me. I made sure to include emphasis on his lines, smiling as I sang the lines originally sung by Jon Rua. Rua also made me smile but not in way Charles Lee's life did.

"Washington cannot be left alone to his devices, indecisive from crisis to crisis, the best thing he can do for the revolution is turn and go back to planting tobacco in Mount Vernon!" I said. I almost went into a ramble to myself about Washington, but I refrained. I made the other bears react and did the pact better Hamilton-bear and Laurens-bear. Finally, I got to use the green bear for Aaron Burr, or should I say Aaron Bear.

I moved the clear bear and the yellow bear to the side and lined up the four bears for Lee and Laurens's duel. I considered if I should rewrite my preferred version of the duel, but decided against it. I began to sing Ten Duel Commandments as I grabbed Laurens-bear and Lee-bear. Hamilton-bear was already set behind Laurens-bear, as was Aaron Bear behind Lee-bear. I had a little fun with the lines, changing up a few words occasionally. Finally, it came time for the shot, with the clear bear facing away from the rest of the bears. Aaron Bear and Hamilton-bear were on opposite sides of the fence and I counted each little jump the bears made. When I got to 10, I made a "pew" sound and picked up Lee-bear. I muttered an apology before biting a section of it off.

"I didn't think you were the kind of person to play with your food," Bucky said. I got scared, jumping and falling down with Lee-bear still in my hand. I didn't take his offer to help me up, I just laid on the ground, accepting my fate.

"Hey, you've been giving me the means to recreate my hyperfxation for the past few months, of course I'm going to play with my food," I defended. I checked Lee-bear to see if it had any dirt on it. Unfortunately, some dirt stuck to the part I bit off. I put it into my pocket to be thrown away later and gathered the rest of my bears, eating them in order of death. I saved the clear one for last as it represented Eliza first and none of my research had led me to find out who the doctor of that duel was.

"You're... fixated on the Revolution?" Bucky asked. I nodded, wishing to get back to my room to curl up and die in self-pity. Or go back to bed, either was an open option.

"Mainly Charles Lee and Samuel Seabury. They both had realllly strong points. I'm going to reread Lee's court martial later. I'll save you the boring rambles, though," I said. Bucky nodded, seemingly confused as he left. I gathered up the remaining bears and went back inside before anyone else had a chance to realize I was outside.

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