My Way // Leebury

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Samuel was a bit uptight, as most said. He was known to never speak out of turn, a teacher's pet to most teachers, and being extremely well at hiding his homosexuality. Well, the last one wasn't what he was known for, but he knew he was never suspected to be anything but straight. Samuel took his headphones out before walking into his school, it wasn't against the policy, but he'd prefer to hear the distant talking around him. He pocketed his phone and took out his book, currently Mary, Bloody Mary. Samuel took a seat in the cafeteria at a small table upfront. It was his spot, not technically, but no one else sat there.

Quickly, the cafeteria went just a tad louder before going quiet. Samuel glanced up, worrying he missed the bell. Just to his left, two boys, John Laurens and Charles Lee were yelling at each other, looking like they were about to fight. Then Samuel realize that they were just in front of his table. He tried to squeeze out, past the crowd and to anywhere but the middle of a fight. People were too focused on filming the fight to let him squeeze out. Finally, teachers and admins were surrounding the two fighting. There was no blood on the ground, but Charles and John were fighting the admins to get back at each other. The crowd dispersed as the fight was ended and Samuel felt sick to sit at his table. His hand twisted tightly around his bag as he hurried to his first class.

Samuel took his seat. He knew Charles was his table partner, but because of the fight, he wasn't sure if Charles would make it to the class. Twenty minutes into the class, Charles and John walked in, laughing as if nothing happened. Neither looked injured, making Samuel wonder if there was no fight. Charles took his seat right by Samuel. They were never on speaking terms. Samuel scooted his chair away and picked up his book. Charles ignored him as the teacher chastised him and John for being late, despite their notes from the principal. The book became a quick escape for Samuel. The perfect building of Mary's life after Anne Boleyn entered her life, all the different wives of Henry the Eighth and her two new siblings.

Samuel's attention got torn when a paper was placed in front of him. A pop quiz about The Gilded Age of America. Samuel put his book down and answered the questions. Charles left him alone, thankfully. Samuel took a deep breath as he flipped the paper over. He picked the book back up to keep reading.

"Samuel," Charles said. Too loud for them to be in the middle of a quiz. Samuel remained quiet as he tried to resettle himself in the story. Charles put his hand onto the page and pushed the book down. Samuel jumped and scowled at him.

"What?" Samuel asked. The bite in his tone was fresh, but also gentle. Samuel could never master true anger.

"It's a collaborative quiz, what's the answer to 7?" Charles said. Samuel sighed a little and pushed his paper over. Charles got what he needed and handed the paper back.

"By the way, it was Carnegie, for 5, he wrote the Gospel of Wealth," Charles said. Samuel looked at his paper. He had written Carnegie for that one.

"That says his name," Samuel said.

"It does? Weird, I thought you wrote something else," Charles said. Samuel glanced at his handwriting. It was never neat, but the letters were distinguishable. Charles stretched out once he finished and glanced at Samuel's book. He did a terrible job at hiding it.

"What's your book about?" he asked. The first casual conversation they've ever had. And hopefully the last.

"Queen Mary," Samuel answered.

"I love Catherine of Aragon," Charles said.

"What?" Samuel asked. He put his book down. Charles took it in an instant and opened it to the chart with King Henry's family.

"The six queens. I love Catherine of Aragon. Not as much as Katherine Howard or Anne Boleyn, though," Charles said. He pointed at each of the queens.

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