Candy Corn // Leerens

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(part 3 to the latte thing)

Charles laughed as John got some whipped cream on his nose.

"Help me instead of laughing," John whined. Charles simply leaned over the table and kissed off the whipped cream. John grew a blush and looked into his coffee cup.

"Was the only reason you woke me up this morning was for lattes?" John finally asked.

"No, we are going Halloween shopping," Charles said, smiling brightly.

"Halloween... shopping?" John asked.

"Yeah, grabbing Halloween candy, getting our costumes, getting decorations that aren't broken, y'know," Charles explained.

"I'd rather be back in bed," John deadpanned. Charles pouted and John took a sip of his latte, trying his best to not look at Charles for he might cave if he did.


That didn't work out. Now the couple is walking through Target with a cart. John was putting in a few decorations when Charles froze.

"Holy shit, we forgot the candy corn," Charles said, running off to the candy aisle. John followed at a slower pace, apologizing to people that had to see a grown man get excited over candy at 9 in the morning.

"Charles, you are 23 and getting excited over candy corn," John pointed out.

"And? Is there something wrong with that?" Charles asked, picking up multiple bags of candy corn.

"Candy corn is disgusting," John said, shrugging. Charles dropped everything he was holding.

"You don't like candy corn?" Charles had a look of fake betrayal on his face.

"You are like a literal child," John laughed.

"It's been 11 months, John, you're barely pointing it out?" Charles deadpanned. John said nothing, but instead planted a kiss on Charles.

"Candy corn may be gross, but that is just perfect," he said, leaving Charles blushing. As fate would have it, a stout lady came walking over.

"Can you not do that around my kids? This is a public space, with children around," she said, vaguely waving at the two. John placed an arm around Charles.

"What's wrong?" he asked, pretending to not know what she was speaking about, even though her homophobia was screaming.

"Oh, you know what I mean," the lady said, growing irritated. Charles leaned up and kissed John's lips.

"Not so sure we do," Charles said. The lady was steaming.

"Oh, now you are just doing it to annoy me, wait till I call the manager," she said, starting to walk away.

A few moments later, Charles and John were looking at some cheap, hilarious costumes, not intending to buy any of them. A high voice cleared their throat behind them. They both turned around, and John went into protective mode. There was the little stout Karen, followed by an exasperated woman with a tag that said "Eliza / Manager".

"Tell these two men that they should leave if they are going to be all over each other," Karen said.

"They are acting like a normal couple, I have a job to do rather than waste my time with your homophobia," Eliza said, turning away.

"I'm not homophobic, I just think that they should keep that at home and not express it in front of children," Karen complained.

"Shut up, I have a wife, leave these men to their shopping," Eliza said, leaving.

"I HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY, YOU JUST LOST A CUSTOMER!" Karen called out, causing the whole store to stare at them. Charles felt the unnecessary attention and pulled himself out of John's arms, rushing out. John quickly paid for a few things and went out, hoping Charles didn't drive in his panicked state. To his luck, the car was still parked there. However, Charles was not. Well, he wasn't there. It'd be weird if a man was parked.

Why is my head making this British? WHY AM I TYPING THIS OUT? THE HECK??? EXISTENTIAL CRISIS HOUR-

Ahem- back to the story...

To John's luck, yet again, Charles circled around from somewhere and they both got into the car without a word.

"Just drop me off at my place," Charles said quietly.

"No," John said, giving a small smile.

"Why not?" Charles asked, looking out the window.

"Darling, if you think I'm going to let you just live in a cocoon of sadness and anxiety all alone, you're severely mistaken," John said, tossing a side glace to his boyfriend.

"But what about my dogs?" Charles tried to reason.

"Have your friend Samuel take care of them," John pointed out. Charles huffed and didn't argue, knowing John would win any way.


this played out different in my head, but ig the next is a hurt/comfort one-

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