music class // general

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Hamilton walked into the music theory class. He loved playing the piano. It reminded him of playing with his mother, so that's why he took this class. He immediately recognized everyone in the room. On one side, Jefferson was talking to Madison and Burr was just vibing right by them, making occasional remarks. On the other side, there were all his friends, Lafayette, Mulligan, and Laurens. The Schuyler sisters stood by Maria and were all laughing at a joke Peggy made. 'King' George stood with Charles Lee and Seabury, just loudly judging everyone. Well, more King and Lee. Seabury just looked mildly uncomfortable being around them. He only stood by them because Charles was his boyfriend.

Hamilton walked over to his friend group and they joked around until their teacher entered. She separated the class into two groups.

"Hercules, Charles, James, George King, Ma.... Marcus? No, Marquis, Margarita and Maria, to the left side of the classroom. Thomas, Alexander, John, Elizabeth, Angelica, Samuel, and Aaron to the right side of the classroom. You guys are going to be studying the circle of fifths. Hercules, your group will be studying the major keys for the first 15 minutes and Thomas, your group will be studying the minor keys. Switch the papers when you hear the alarm go off," Mrs. Mejia said.

Hamilton groaned when he was with the group he had to work with. He only hated 2 people in the group, but, God, they had to be the worst people ever. Seabury was stuck up so far in God's ass, Hamilton was shocked he didn't carry a bible around everywhere. Jefferson was... Jefferson. Always found a way to be the exact opposite of Hamilton while still having semi-decent morals. Burr was... tolerable, not really Hamilton's greatest friend, but they were friends. Angelica just scared him in general. The group started to go around and say the minor keys and what their distinguishing features were. Then it got to Hamilton.

"B minor... well, it has 2 sharps, and it's supposed to give a feeling of patience," he said, looking at the paper.

"Yeah, patience, something Hamilton doesn't have," Jefferson said. Burr and Seabury snickered a bit. Hamilton rolled his eyes and passed the paper to Laurens who had F# minor.

"F# minor, it has 3 sharps, and it's a really gloomy key, well, if that isn't mood, then nothing is," Laurens said, handing the paper to the next person in the group. It got back to Hamilton on C minor.

"C minor, it has 3 flats and it gives a declaration of love, but more of an unhappy love," he said, passing the paper.

"Story of my life," Angelica said, causing the group to laugh a bit. She had her way of charming everyone, so no one was a stranger to her in the group.

"G minor, it has 2 flats and it gives a sense of resentment and dislike," Laurens said, handing off the paper for Angelica to read the last one.

"D minor, it has 1 flat and gives a strong sense of melancholy," she said. The group talked a bit, making jokes, and surprisingly, no one got hurt. The timer went off and Jefferson got up to swap papers with Mulligan.

They did the same pattern as last time, so Hamilton got D major.

"D major, it has 2 sharps and gives a strong sense of triumph," he said, handing off the paper. They did the same thing and it got back to Hamilton on Eb major.

"Eb major, it has 3 flats and is the key that is basically Samuel's life, the key of love, devotion, and conversation with God," Hamilton said, making a weird accent on the description. Everyone laughed and Seabury turned red, throwing a paper ball at Hamilton. ( Oh My Gosh , Oh My Gosh , you hit me in the eye , yOu HiT mE iN tHe EyE , yOu BoOkGERM ) Hamilton passed the paper on and soon enough, they were finished with Angelica reading off F major.

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