soulmates :-) // leebury

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(simping over the usual person, whats up, yall?)

Sometimes, when you turn 18, you can only say your soulmate's name until you meet them. However, if you lose them, it comes back. (it only happens to one person in the pair)

"Hey, Sam! You would never guess!" Alexander said. Samuel and Alexander were somewhat friends.

"Char-" Samuel caught himself, covering his mouth. He forgot that yesterday was his birthday. He's been too scared to speak since.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot. Anyways, I found who John was! And thankfully it wasn't Adams," Alexander said. Samuel nodded and grabbed a paper.

'That's amazing!' he wrote down, showing it to Alexander. Alexander smiled and walked back to whomever John was.

During 6th period, Samuel grabbed a piece of duct tape, determined not to speak. Not even on accident. He managed to get through the rest of the day without being told to remove the tape.

On the bus ride, his best friend, Peggy, sat next to him. Peggy was only 16 but was advanced in school.

"HI SAM!" she yelled, getting glares from everyone on the bus. Samuel waved.

"So, who's your soulmate? What's his name?" Peggy asked. Samuel grabbed a sheet of paper and a binder to write on.

'How do you know they're a guy?' Samuel wrote.

"Puh-lease, you're so gay, it's obvious," she said like it was as obvious as the color of the sky.

'Well, I actually never said the full name, I'm too scared,' Samuel wrote down. Peggy nodded and got off at the same spot as Samuel to visit his house. Once they got there and made sure Samuel's parents weren't home, Samuel removed the duct tape, unsure of what to say.

"Uhhhh, say something, c'mon," Peggy said.

"Charles-" Samuel said, meaning to say 'I don't know.' He covered his mouth and blushed.

"Charles, huh...I think I know him, there's a Charles in my math class, he's still 17 though," Peggy said, "Maybe I should bring him over here and have you guys meet!"

Samuel's home was almost a second home to Peggy. Peggy was constantly annoyed at home with Eliza and Angelica talking about their soulmates. Dumb heterosexuals...

"CHARLES!" Samuel yelled, meaning to say 'No'.

"Huh, what was that? A yes? Ok!" Peggy said, knowing full well Samuel meant no. Samuel was just a blushing mess. Samuel groaned and fell onto the bed.

"Oh hush, and besides, I was right, they are a guy," Peggy said.

It's been a week now and it was Monday again, Samuel came with his now usual duct tape over his mouth and kept his head low. He got through the day without removing the tape from his mouth again, but constantly got sympathetic looks from random classmates or teachers.

Once he got on the bus, Peggy wasn't there. That meant that her sisters must've picked her and Charles up. Samuel was proven right when she got a text message.

'Keep the door unlocked, I'm coming right in with your future husband.'

Samuel rolled his eyes and got off at his stop. He obliged to Peggy's request to keep the door unlocked, but stayed in his room, away from anything happening. He changed the piece of tape over his mouth because his current one was barely sticking and he was afraid of slipping up. After about 5 minutes, Samuel heard the front door open and get slammed shut. He cringed and stayed in his room, not leaving.

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