Jealousy // Leebury

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based on greek mythology , i love this myth

Samuel adored the concept of love, yet he was never blessed with the feeling. He had flings with many mortals, but never had fallen in love. Not until he met a mortal by the name of Charles Lee. The mortal was beloved by many, but only Samuel, god of the light and healing, John, god of the West Wind, his brother Alexander, god of the North Wind, and a mortal named Aaron Burr expressed romantic love for him. Charles was aware of the fighting affections, but chose to ignore the godly fights.

It took a while before the lovers all confronted him. Charles stared at them all, though he stared at Samuel the most. Aaron got close to the mortal anf gave him a supportive hug.

"Charles, you need to pick someone," he said. Charles pulled free and let his eyes linger on the brothers, then drifted to Samuel.

"I pick Samuel," Charles determined. The brothers seemed upset while Aaron was more accepting of the opinion. Samuel stepped forward and took Charles's face into his hand. He left a gentle kiss on Charles, smiling when he pulled away. There was a gust of wind, signalling the brothers had left while Aaron lightly patted Charles's shoulders. They gave each other a look of understanding before Aaron walked away. Samuel smiled brighter and kissed Charles once more.

Months into their relationship, Samuel knew this is what love felt like. He would be there when Charles awoke and spent the day with his lover. At night, when Charles needed his rest, Samuel would stay behind and watch him fall asleep. On the nights that permitted him, he would stay and gaze at Charles the entire night. He would allow Charles to grip him ever so gently.

One beautiful evening, Samuel was showing Charles how to shoot a proper bow and arrow. A slight gust of abnormal wind caused Samuel to look up. Charles didn't seem bothered by it, so Samuel tried to ignore it. Charles went to the target to collect the arrows he had missed. Samuel attempted to aim for the target. He was excited when the arrow was going straight for the target. Another gust of wind blew, causing the arrow to gain a new course. Samuel tried his best to protect Charles, but he was too late. The arrow pierced through Charles's back. Charles screamed out as he fell. Samuel tried every technique of healing he knew. Still, Charles was bleeding and clinging to Samuel.

"I love you, Samuel," Charles said. His grip loosened, which made Samuel scream out. He blamed himself instantly, believing he shouldn't have shot the arrow while Charles was by the target. John appeared, looking mortified. Samuel didn't notice as he kept crying over Charles's body.

"I didn't mean to hit him so high," John said quietly. Samuel stopped crying and looked at John.

"You didn't mean what?" he asked. John stepped back and gazed at the ground.

"I just thought if I caused your arrow to hit Charles, then he would distrust you and pick someone else. Then, I thought if it did hit him, you would be able to heal him," John said. Samuel started crying all over again and clung back onto Charles.

"I need to talk to George," Samuel mumbled. John stopped him from getting up.

"Samuel, you're grieving," he said quietly. Samuel forced his way up and began to wander to the River Styx. John was right, he was amiss grieving, but he needed Charles, his true feeling of love. He found the River Styx and rode down it to find George. George was with his wife, Charlotte. They both looked at Samuel with worry.

"I need you to make me mortal," Samuel demanded. George sat up with worry.

"I can't just make you mortal without reason, Samuel, you are important, the humans need daylight," George said. Samuel shook his head.

"Find someone else, I need to be mortal so I can see Charles again," Samuel demanded once more, "Please, I need him." George sat up and looked at him.

"Samuel, no, you know what Henry will do to me. Now, go and don't ask me this again," George said. Samuel remained still.

"Would you not go mortal for your wife?" he asked.

"I already did what I could for our relationship. But I am not going to make you mortal so you could kill yourself and end up here," George said. Samuel stepped back and turned to run out.

He returned to where Charles was shot. Only the bloodied arrow remained. Samuel carefully wiped some off and planted it in the ground. He rose a flower and stared at it. The petals were just as soft as Charles's skin. He could only think of one option to stop his grieving.

The rock looked much taller on top than it did on the side. Samuel reminded himself that he wasn't mortal, both Henry and Maria had done. Still, he was hesitant. Did he really want to rid himself of his feelings for Charles? Yes? No? Samuel didn't know, but it hurt him no matter the answer. He took the step, knowing there was no way back. As he steadied himself on the ground, he no longer felt the love for Charles. Still, he kept the flower from Charles's blood outside, constantly making sure it regrew everytime it threatened to die.

based on my interpretation of the myth apollo and hycinthus and related apollo myths , everything after this explains my choices

samuel represents apollo , charles represents hycinthus , a lover of apollo . apollo was basically born shooting arrows ( it was a golden sword , but he did kill the python not long after birth ) , so i felt like this would be more appropriate than the original " apollo throws a diskus and it bounces to hit hycinthus' head "

alexander and john are wind gods , boreas and zephyrus respectively . the other wind gods are lafayette and hercules , but they arent mentioned in this story . the wind gods are brothers . theres a double reason i labeled alex qnd john the way i did ; john shoots charles and , at some point , boreas ( alexander ) was a lover of apollo ( samuel ) . aka , implied hambury

aaron is representing thamyris , who is said to be the first man that loved another man ( hycinthus ) . i feel like its also important to point out that thamyris challenged the muses to a singing challenge , and as punishment , they ripped his eyes out .

king george and queen charlotte represent hades and persephone . i did this bc a lot of ppl saw the king as someone evil , similar to how some people ( cough cough , disney , cough cough ) see hades as someone evil . i was kinda torn between implying king henry 8 as zeus for .... obvious reasons , thus making hera catherine of aragon , but i also wanted to make him george washington to keep the hamilton theme and to just ... forget abt zeus' history . but king henry won bc i thought it was funny .

the rock that samuel throws himself off of is the rock of leukas . in mythology , the rock was said to rid one of feelings of love . it was in the sanctuary of apollo leukatas . its never said that apollo used the rock himself , but , aphrodite fell in love with adonis , who was then killed by a boar . she reaches out to apollo for help over getting rid of her feelings . apollo then takes her to the rock of leukas and tells her to jump off of it . it takes her feelings of love and she questions the reason it works . apollo tells her that zeus jumps off the rock before taking another lover to forget his love for hera

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