early afternoon crack // Laflee

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Lafayette slid next to his boyfriend, wrapping his arm around Lee. Lee glanced away from his drink and smiled upon seeing Lafayette.

"Mon amour, I have come to serenade you with this kazoo!" Lafayette said, holding a cheap kazoo before blowing into it. Miraculously, it made noise. Not a good noise, but noise nonetheless. Lafayette kept blowing into it, his face turning a little red from the strain to make noise. Once he finished, he looked to Lee, excited for his response.

"Did you just play Happy Birthday?" Lee asked chuckling a bit.

"Hey! It was the only tune I know and that was the first time I got this thing to make noise!" Lafayette defended with a pout. Lee's chuckle turned into laughing and playfully bumping his shoulder into Lafayette's chest.

"It's adorable! But my birthday was 4 months ago," Lee said. Lafayette could tell he had just enough to drink to loosen his senses, but not to be considered drunk. The laughter alone was enough of an indicator. Lee took another sip of his drink, wincing at the burn at the back of his throat.

"We should go home," Lafayette said, pulling Lee up.

"It's only been an hour, love, we'll be fine," Lee said, grabbing a snack off the table. Lafayette sighed and let his boyfriend do whatever.


Apparently, to Lee, we'll be fine means getting more drunk and almost starting a fight with John Laurens. Lafayette looked at the party gathering at one spot and tried to figure out what was going on. He saw John yelling at someone and someone yelling back. He got a little closer before realizing that "someone" was his boyfriend. He walked over and basically threw Lee over his shoulder.

"Say goodbye to your friends, we are leaving," Lafayette said. He thanked Eliza for the time and invitation. Lee made a sound of protest over Lafayette's shoulder.

"What's wrong, mon amour?" Lafayette asked, walking to his car.

"If you're going to carry me, can I at least give you hickeies?" Lee asked. Lafayette blushed and opened the back door to his car. He almost threw Lee in, careful of the metal frame of the car. Lee caught himself on his elbows and looked at Lafayette with a small smirk.

"Back of the car sex, I like your style," Lee said, starting to make a move forward. Once his entire body was in the car, Lafayette shut the door and got into the front. He was immediately attacked with whines.

"Babbbbbe, pleaaaseeee," Lee whined. His hands flew around the seat in attempt to drag Lafayette back. Lafayette was firm in his seat as he buckled in and started to drive off. Lee eventually shut up and flopped across the back seat. Lafayette looked at him through the mirror. Lee met his eyes through the mirror and yawned.

"Your eyes are so beautiful, I just want to kiss you so much. I love you, Laf," Lee said before passing out on his seat. Lafayette smiled softly at him and focused back on the road.

"I love you too, mon amour," he said, quietly. He took turned more gently as to not wake Lee, though Lee could probably sleep through a lot. He pulled into their driveway and carefully lifted Lee out of the car. Lee stirred a bit, clinging to Lafayette almost like a toddler would to their parents. Lafayette always loved what came after the horny parts of Lee when he got drunk. Normally, he'd fall asleep quickly, other times, he just became a big romantic, though Lafayette was fair to assume that it was all a ploy to get him in bed, one way or another.

Lafayette flopped Lee in their shared bed and grabbed a few things to prepare for Lee's horrible morning tomorrow.

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