200 Years // PT 3

41 3 0

"You two are... married? How?" Burr asked.

"Fuck, I forgot the 18th century was filled with homophobes," Samuel muttered as he soldered some wires together.

"I'm not scared of homes!" Burr said.

"For how much you avoided going there before you married Theodosia, you might as well been," Laurens retorted. Burr made a loud scoff and glared at him. Dr. Lee sat by his husband, happily sipping his iced coffee and making voice memos he would have to write down later. Oliva Rodigo played around them, as per Laurens' constant request to Sarah.

"Charles, I'm going to need you to scoot over, you're right in front of the panel I need," Samuel said, stealing a sip of Dr. Lee's coffee.

"Hey! Just for that, I'm sitting on your lap until I get my spot back," Dr. Lee said, moving so he was in Samuel's lap.

"As long as you aren't a distraction," Samuel muttered, opening the area where Dr. Lee just was.

"My goodness! Has Dr. Lee told you about the musical play about Alexander yet, Burr?" Laurens asked, bouncing excitedly on his bed.

"No, and frankly, I don't want to know my role," Burr said, rolling his eyes

"It's not bad, you're definitely more of a narrator and antagonist. Some could argue you're even the deuteragonist," Samuel said, still focused on the wires.

"WAIT, YOU KNOW THE MUSICAL?!" Laurens said. He stared at Samuel with excitement a child could hold upon seeing a unicorn.

"I do have a preference for musicals," Samuel said.

"It's all you listen to other than Taylor Swift," Dr. Lee intervened.

"Okay, well, if you know it so well, when does my chatacter supposedly start hating Hamilton?" Burr asked. He sat on his bed with his arms crossed.

"When Hamilton doesn't actually listen to your advice in the second song. Though its not blatant until the last few songs," Samuel said with careful consideration.

"Let me guess, when Hamilton decided to fuck my political career up," Burr said, rolling his eyes.

"Exactly... Hang on, I'm almost done... Okay, honey, you can get off of me now," Samuel said, lightly poking Dr. Lee.

"Give me and my coffee a few more minutes..." Dr. Lee said, not moving.

"Don't make me start to play pass the coffee," Samuel warned. Dr. Lee made a disapproving groan.

"What's pass the coffee?" Laurens asked. Samuel flopped his husband off of his lap and took the coffee away.

"Something I like to do to get Charles walking and awake," Samuel said.

"Noooo, I just want my coffee and a nap," Dr. Lee complained, using the wall so he wasn't completely slumped on the floor.

"You have to get up for the coffee, dear," Samuel said, stealing another sip. Dr. Lee got up and walked towards the coffee. Oncehe was just inches from grabbing, Samuel passed the drink to Laurens. Laurens, having no idea what to do, passed it to Burr. Dr. Lee made a disapproving groan and walked after his cup slowly. Burr froze and passed it Samuel before Dr. Lee was anywhere near him. The game kept going for a few minutes, Dr. Lee getting more and more fed up every time he was close to his drink and getting passed. Eventually, the cup was in Samuel's hand again. Samuel took another teasing sip, making sure to linger his lips on the straw. Dr. Lee bumped him into the wall, kissing gently and taking his coffee out of Samuel's hand.

"Disgusting," Burr said quietly.

"Aww, they're in love!" Laurens said.

Dr. Lee pulled away and sipped his coffee. Samuel was bright red, looking like a teenage boy who got his first kiss.

"You can't keep kissing me to win that game," Samuel said with a small pout.

"I'm not kissing either of them, you taste like my coffee, and my coffee straw tastes like you, so it's a win-win-win," Dr. Lee said with a shrug.

"I would say get a room, but I fear for the sins you two commit alone," Burr said.


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