more royal-esque things // Leeburr

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based on a comment i made , sorrynotsorry !

also , lowercase intended


aaron dances alone in the halls of his castle, imagining his partner was with him. unknowing to him, his lover, lee, had recently died in battle, but the letter informing him hasnt arrived. aaron hums the tunes of songs he has rarely heard, still dancing around. cold hands grip his waist from behind and he freezes, trying to find who it was, yet the halls are just as empty. thinking it was his imagination, aaron continues to dance alone, not missing a step. the feeling appeared again, but for longer. the cold hands felt safe, like a person he could trust. again, aaron checks around, seeing no one around. now slightly creeped out, he decides to go to bed.

"whyd you stop dancing?" the voice was familiar yet hard to place. it somehow sounded near, yet far away. like they could touch aaron, but he couldnt touch them. aaron didnt answer the voice, instead, opting to run down the hallway to find another person who could help. the hall seemed to go on for miles and there was no person in sight. the voice spoke again

"calm down, my beloved, youre okay." no one but lee calls him beloved. aaron looks around, trying to find him. finally, he spots a vaguely humanoid shape by the moonlit window. he gasps as he rushes over.

"is that you? youre back from the war?" aaron asks, going in for a hug. his arms pass right through. he feels the tears well up.

"beloved, i died, has no one told you yet?" aaron shakes his head as tears fall. he can tell lee wanted to comfort him.

"say, how about we have one last dance before i go," lee said, offering out a hand. aaron takes it, smiling faintly as this time he can feel the cold hold. they dance for what feels like hours, but was really just a few minutes. aaron lays his head against lees chest, as he always had. just after, he went right through, stumbling a bit. lee looked tired, but still had a smile.

"ill see you again," lee said, slowly fading. he cant leave yet, they havent had kids or gone on enough dates. aaron didnt have the chance to say a proper goodbye. before he knows it, aaron is sobbing and screaming in the once peaceful hallway as a maid walks over, holding an envelope held close with a wax stamp. she leaves him to read it. it told aaron about lees death and the war general, peggy, sends her deepest regards about it. she was the bridesmaid to their wedding, she knew how in love they were. looking outside, aaron wonders what would have had happened if he had more time with lee. now he would never know...

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