Dear Sam // Lafbury

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this got sad fast , oops

Dear Sam,

I am sorry. I do not know what else to say, but I am sorry for how I treated you, as both a friend and a lover. You deserve someone better than me and it's obvious that you can find better. I think I will leave you with this letter and leave you alone for a bit so you can let me know if you reject anything.

Your love,


Dear Laf,

I don't know what could ever make you think that you treated me horribly. You're an angel and a half and I can't see you ever being mean. Especially not to a lover. What happened was other events. Remember, love, correlation isn't causation. You caused nothing to happen to me and we can still enjoy each other's presence if you are willing.

Ever yours,


Dear Sam,

I am aware of what you told me, but I cannot help the small bits of me just believing this is my fault. I had yelled and made you cry, I made you leave and fear me and that is something I cannot live through. I fear this is my last letter to you. Please live a healthy life without me.

Your love,


Samuel sobbed as he held the letter. Blood was dripped on the envelope, but he had assumed someone got a paper cut somewhere along the line. The letter fell from his hands and into a small puddle of rain. No way that was true. He gathered the soaked letter, the words smearing around as he hastily folded it and stuffed it into his bag. He grabbed a few extra things and immediately rode on his horse to Lafayette's place.

Outside stood Alexander, who held his hand close to his mouth. He was nervously biting his nails and let his other hand tug through his hair.

"I'm.... assuming you heard? He didn't make it.... It was too late for anyone to notice," Alexander said. Samuel didn't say a word as he broke down crying. Alexander supported him and kept an eye at the door. As if Lafayette would run out and act as if he pranked them and give them a huge laugh. But that wasn't happening.


Dear Laf,

It's been a week. I'm not sure how you planned for me to live healthily without you around. It hurts. So bad, I just want to wake up from this. Hold you close once more. Your niece keeps looking for you. I keep telling her you're not here, but she seems to think it's some game of hide and seek when I say that... I don't have the heart to tell her the truth. I... don't know what else to tell you. Life is horrible without you. For once in my life, I'm completely speechless when it comes to telling you how I feel...

Ever yours,


Dear Laf,

It's been a year. A painful year. I went to the play we had planned together... I nearly cried because every song I thought of you singing it in the kitchen. I met the playwright... you always wanted to meet him... I told him about you. He seemed to love the idea of you, especially when I said you were a big fan. He hugged me and told me to make sure you felt the love too... I just hope my words can translate it enough. He was the first person to hug in the year you've been gone. I wanted to cry, but what tears would I have left if I cried every time I felt like it? I'd never stop because I don't have you here to tell me everything's okay. Everything would be okay if I could feel one of your hugs again.

Ever yours,

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