Tired // Hamlee

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( tbh ? i think this might be the last part of the hamlee series unless i give them their back stories


content warning for mentions of nudity , nothing mature , just a shower together ! as well as past self harm only the scars , though !!

Alexander let his fingers dance gently over Charles' side. Charles made a grunt filled with tiredness and approval. Alexander sighed happily and rolled to check the clock. It flashed 8:36 A.M.

"Charles? Weren't you supposed to get up for gym four hours ago?" Alexander asked, turning back around and placing his hands back over Charles' body, careful to explore the area. Charles made another sound, this time making it more grumpy. He stuffed his face into the space between Alexander's shoulder and the pillows.

"We need to get up," Alexander said softly.

"It's Friday, Philip can walk to school," Charles said into Alexander's shoulder.

"No, it's Saturday. Angelica's coming today," Alexander said. He took his hand off of Charles' side and moved it so he could gently mess with Charles' hair. Charles made an annoyed sound, making Alexander retract his hand.

"Isn't Eliza out of town? How is she going to get here?" Charles asked, not getting up.

"Peggy is still here," Alexander said. Charles made a disapproving noise and lifted his face to look at Alexander.

"Did I tell you how she bit me when we were kids? She hates me," Charles complained.

"Oh, come on, she's 5 years younger than you. She had to be a young child," Alexander said. He gave a light cheek kiss to Charles.

"I was 17 when it happened, she was NOT a small child," Charles said. Alexander laughed a bit and sat up.

"Well, I'm pretty sure she won't bite you now," Alexander said.

"Doesn't mean she doesn't hate me," Charles said. He also sat up, stretching out a bit.

"Hold still," Alexander said as he grabbed his phone. He took a quick photo and smiled at it.

"You really need to stop doing that every morning," Charles said, putting his arms back down.

"But pictures last so much longer," Alexander argued. Charles sighed and got off the bed and headed to the bathroom. Alexander followed him closely, hoping the door wouldn't slam in front of him.

"Can I help you?" Charles asked as he paused to open the door. Alexander wrapped his arms around Charles and leaned as close as he could.

"I was wondering if I would ever see more of you," Alexander flirted. Charles stepped back and let Alexander's arms linger around him as he smiled and pulled Alexander into the bathroom. Philip remained asleep and unaware of the situation.

~~ warnings take affect here ~~

As soon as the door closed, Alexander and Charles let each other's hands roam their bodies, kissing more passionately than two horny teenagers. They did nothing more than strip and casually check each other out. Charles ran the shower and got in first, holding the door open for Alexander. Alexander carefully stepped in, facing away from the shower head.

"I want to make it clear I'm not in any sexual mood right now," Alexander said.

"Me neither, it's too early," Charles said, reaching for the shampoo. He gestured for Alexander to turn around. Once Alexander did, he gently rubbed some shampoo in his hair, making Alexander feel relaxed and calmed. Charles grabbing the shower head and started to rinse the shampoo out, being extra cautious of it dripping down Alexander's face. They two continued to shower in peace with a light conversation between them. Alexander turned back around, letting his hands float up to Charles' chest and tracing all sorts of scars. Some were self inflicted, those being shorter and straighter than the rest. He let his hands linger longer, hoping to know their story through touch. He was aware they were caused by Charles' hand, his own decision.

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