Phone calls // Kinglee

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i have i s s u e s that can be
with m o r e
not really , but i like to t h i n k s o


Lee sighed a bit as he answered the call on his phone.

"Hey, Georgey, what's going on?" he answered, hoping it wasn't too important. King had a habit of calling instead of texting like Lee had asked while he was at work.

"Uhm, do you remember where the milk went?" King asked, moving some things around.

"Do you- do you think we lost the milk like a cat? I threw out because it went bad," Lee said, blinking back tears. He always hated talking on the phone. Lee never knew why, but for as long as he could remember, whenever he talked on the phone, he would have tears in his eyes and he had to force himself not to cry.

"Can you get some more on your way home? I really want cereal and dry cereal is a crime on morality," King half joked.

"Uhm, yeah, definitely... I need to get back to work now, love. Bye, I love you," Lee said softly into his phone.

"I love you too! See you later!" King called through the phone. The line disconnected and Lee used the wall for support as he took a deep breath. Tears still threaten to run down his face. Someone passed by him, but he didn't care how he looked.

"Lee, are you crying? Are you alright?" Hamilton's annoying voice rang.

"Fuck off, I'm fine," Lee said, carefully feeling his face for tears. A few had escaped and his flushed face couldn't tell the difference.

"Did George say something? I want to end him, just give me a reason," Hamilton said, getting closer.

"No- What the fuck? George did nothing," Lee said, calming down a bit.

"Oooh, so, he broke up with you? I will end him, you can do so much better than British people," Hamilton rambled.

"No. He did nothing. We are still together. Also, I'm British, dumbass," Lee said, now getting fed up.

"Oh shit... Well, I must go and... see John," Hamilton rushed off and Lee sighed to himself. He felt whatever was washing over him during the call disappear and he was ready to get back inside.


Lee came in, holding a half gallon of milk. King looked right at him and smiled happily.

"You remembered, I thought I was going to need to call you to remind you," he said. Lee put the milk away and muttered a small response.

"Georgey, can I ask you something?" Lee said after a small silence. King got confused and worried.

"Uh, sure, what's wrong, pumpkin?" King asked, pulling Lee onto the couch.

"Well, why do you call me instead of texting? People thought something bad happened..." Lee said, remembering the earlier events.

"I like to just hear your voice when you're at work, it makes me a little happier," King admitted.

"You're a dork. An adorable one, but still a dork," Lee said, kissing King softly.

( how . do . i . end . it . )

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