1-800-DATEME // Hambury

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( holiday fics are always at the end of the holiday rgifjk )

Guy after guy

Crush after crush
Never really figured it out with someone

Samuel didn't mind living alone. There was no one to stop him from eating entire boxes of chocolate when he wants, and on days off, no one expected him to leave bed before noon. No one to judge him for the number of frozen dinners he ate because he was terrified to use the stove for much. He did have a roommate a while back, but the roommate moved in with his long time boyfriend and kept constant contact with Samuel.

I can't deny, I'm quick to gush
But it never works out so I'm done!

Alexander hated living alone, he always woke up early and had no one around to talk to. He preplanned every meal, knowing exactly what to buy, and what was needed to cook. Sometimes there was too much and he went out to let his elderly neighbor have a home-cooked meal for a few days. She was always thankful. The last roommate Alexander had ran off with some man Alexander acted like was some siren who would eventually lead to his roommate's downfall.

It's valentine's day
And I'm lonely and single

Samuel walked into work, like any usual day. It was February 14th, though. Samuel dreaded it, the constant couples coming in and out of the tiny shop, holding each other, kissing, all that heteronormative stuff. As he was scanning the customers, mostly belated Valentine's gifts, someone spoke.

"Pardon me, but how much would it cost to check you out?" they asked. Samuel looked up and saw an average height man, who didn't seem his type. Samuel was definitely on the shorter side, but he could care less about that.

"Nothing you could afford," Samuel said, looking back down. He punched in the codes for the produce and gave the total to the stranger.

"I believe you forgot to scan something, I don't have your number in my bags," the guy said, looking right at Samuel.

"You didn't even check. Now, will you be paying cash or card?" Samuel asked.

"Kisses and cuddles," the guy responded.

"That's not a valid method of payment," Samuel responded, getting tired of this person.

"Maybe after your shift, it will be," the guy said, taking out his wallet.

"Just hurry and pay before you embarrass yourself more," Samuel said. He grabbed the money held out to him and counted it to put in the cash register. In between the bills was a small note with a phone number scribbled on it. 

"Are you serious?" Samuel asked, holding up the number.

"Please? Just one date?" the guy asked, a bit less confident.

"Fine, now go, you've held up the line long enough," Samuel caved, handing over the change.


Samuel wasn't one to break promises, no matter how bad he wanted to. He texted the number that was handed to him.

xxx-xxx-xxxx: It's your cashier from this afternoon

XXX-XXX-XXXX: The hot one or the other one?

Samuel rolled his eyes.

xxx-xxx-xxxx: How many cashiers do you just hand your number out to?

XXX-XXX-XXXX: Just the cute ones, so your name tag said Sam?

xxx-xxx-xxxx: Just call me Samuel, what's your name?

XXX-XXX-XXXX: Alex :-)

Sam: Did you just put a nose on your smile?

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