Aaau, what? // Leebury

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^ (facebook) boomers who say u can defeat our generation by writing in cursive, checkmate


also, i wrote some of this in my science notebook hence the photo 😎

Samuel rushed to class, hoping to not run into his long time crush, Charles Lee. The inevitable happened and Samuel saw Charles talking at the end of the hall. Well, talking was more of an understatement, it looked like Charles was having a full-on debate with someone.

"You're just pissed Washington likes Alexander more than you," the other person, who Samuel identified as Laurens, said.

"It's not a matter of that, he plays favorites all the time and you just proved me right by saying he prefers Hamil-shit over me," Charles argued back. Samuel decided it'd be better to get to his first period, which was the nurse's aid.

"Oh, did you just insult my boyfriend?" Laurens asked.

"I did, in fact, I'll do it again, Alexander Hamilton is a little bitch who's favorited by teachers because he's smart and from another country," Charles said, smirking a bit.

"Oh, that's it, you can talk shit about teachers all you want, but talk shit about my boyfriend, you get hit," Laurens said before throwing a punch right into Charles's face. Charles stumbled back a bit before retaliating a punch to Laurens's side. The two began to get into a full-on fistfight as students gathered around them. Eventually, the two were held separate by Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton.

"Let me go, Burr, he asked for this," Charles said, struggling to get away from Burr. Laurens was being calmed down by his boyfriend as Mr. Washington came to see what the whole commotion was about.

"What happened here?!" he loudly asked as the students scattered, revealing the beat-up bodies of Laurens and Charles being held back by Alexander and Burr. Charles was in much worse shape than Laurens but was also fighting to get away from Burr more than Laurens was from Alexander.

"What is the meaning of this? Burr, take Lee to the nurse, but Lee, don't assume you are off the hook," Washington said. Aaron nodded, making sure Lee could walk fine as they went towards the nurse's office.

"Charles, you shouldn't get into stupid fights like that," Aaron said.

"Yeah? Your life motto is about not letting anyone know what you're against or what you're for, so who says you give good advice," Charles muttered.

"There he is, the angry, sarcastic gremlin we all love," Aaron laughed.

"Gremlin? I'm 5 foot 5, I'm no gremlin," Charles argued back.

"Yeah, yeah, hey look, we're here," Aaron said as the two entered. Samuel didn't bother to look up from his notebook.

"Sign in at the front, Nurse Nurby will be with you in a few minutes," Samuel said, finally looking up, "Jiminey Crickets, what happened?"

"Fight in B hall, thankfully it didn't get much worse than this," Aaron said as Charles signed in on the paper by the door. He huffed and plopped down in a chair, wincing a bit when his wrist hit the armrest.

"Burr, you should get to either Washington or class, Charles, just stay put, I'll grab Nurse Nurby," Samuel said. Aaron left and Charles leaned back in the chair, glad he could relax a bit.

A few moments later, Samuel came out with Nurse Nurby in tow to Charles.

"Mr. Lee, I believe we agreed to keep stupid fights in middle school," Nurby said, grabbing his checklist. Charles made an annoyed noise. Nurby slipped on some gloves and started to wipe clean Charles's injuries.

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