chapter forty

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A week later...

Sophie's POV

The girls were leaving today. Somehow wasn't as upset as I thought. I was going to see them again in Seattle in three weeks. 

"Alex that's my sweater!" Charlie said pointing to Alex from across the room.

"Mine now. You can have it back in um three weeks."

"You are so difficult."

"No you!"

"No you-"

She was shushed by Halia throwing her sweater at her.

"There. Keep it."

Charlie smiled and they all finished packing and we headed downstairs.

"Come on girls. You all have flights that leave soon."

They said bye to dad and Henry and Michael and we went to the car.

"Give me the AUX." Alex said.

"No. Do not give it to her Soph." Mini JJ said.

"JJ, shut up. Give it."

I handed the aux to Charlie because I knew she play Taylor Swift and as soon as it started playing Halia rolled her eyes. How could someone not like Taylor Swift?

We got to he airport and tears started forming in our eyes.

"Why are we being so silly we'll see eachother in three weeks?" Charlie said starting to laugh.

"Because we have seperation anxiety." I said hugging them one more time. They were all going to different parts of the airport.

"Three weeks girls." Mom said helping them get their bags out of the trunk.

"Bye JJ. Thanks for everything." They all said hugging my mom.

"Bye girls. Hope to see you all return and stay at our house again soon."

We hugged one last time before I got back in the car and they spilt off their different ways.

"You'll see them in three weeks Soph. It's ok."

"I miss them already."

"I know. I know... How about we go pick up Jack and spend the day with him and the rest of the team?"

"Sounds good to me."

It was another no case day. Paper work all morning. It was six pm already.

We drove to the Hotchner household and picked up Jack.

"There's my girl."

"I missed you."

"I missed you too. Now, let's go to your house so I can beat you one on one."

"Wouldn't even be able to beat me if Henry was with you."

"Bring it on Jareau."

We got home and Henry ran and talked to Jack. We went outside and played two against one. I won two games and they won one.

"See? Sucks to suck Hotchner."

"Rematch Jareau."

"Sore loser."


We walked inside and everyone was eating.

"Dinner kids."

We sat at the table and ate food with the family. Mom and Dad  went upstairs and got the boys ready for bed as we waited for the team to get here for a movie party.


jj:home, miss you guys already
me: me too :((((
charlie: home too, miss you all

I smiled and looked up from my phone as everyone came in.

We all sat on the couch or around the couch area and turned on the movie. 

Everything felt right in the world.


alex: just got home losers
jj: three weeks guys
me: three weeks.

"Ice cream anybody?" Mom asked holding up the many options. We all said yes and moved to the kitchen, still being able to see the movie.

Jack and I moved up to my room and he sat on my bed playing my guitar and I just sang random lyrics. Yes, this is what we do for fun.

"Dance party?"


And we did just that. Danced around my room for an hour straight.


halia: i am home, see you guys here soon :)
charlie: yayyy

Jack and the rest of the team left and I facetimed the girls for about an hour before saying bye and heading to my moms room.

"It's been a year since you got home."

"A whole year. It's crazy."

"You come so far peanut. You've gotten to see Henry grow. Michael be born. Everyone grow closer. We love you so much."

"I love you too mom."

I started to think back to all my favorite memories and where I have ended up. Even if I missed eight years of my life year, it kinda feels like time froze. 

I'm in a great place right now. Family is strong. Jack and I are great. Seeing my friends again soon. Soccer is awesome. 

I am so lucky.

Lucky to have everything.

It takes time to recover. But soon enough you just simply become happy again. I truly felt like myself. 

My mom was truly so patient with me through it all. She never left my side.

Will was so welcoming. Treated me like his own.

Henry is the best kid ever. He is so so smart

Baby Michael. I'm gonna get to see him grow up.

My BAU Team. Welcoming as ever. They're the reason for so much.

My online friends.

Alex. The one I got so close to so fast.Showed me what it was like to really have a best friend.

Halia. Has taught me so many life lessons from so far away.

Charlie. Sweetest soul. Never fails to make a bad day good. Deserves the world and more.

JJ. Strongest person I know. Is always there for me no matter what.

Finally Jack. The boy with hope. The boy who waited. My childhood best friend. My best friend forever. The one who helped me keep going. I love him. Always have. Always will.

Happiness. Noun. The state of being happy.

A feeling that I would forever be thankful for.


that is all for this book :((( thank you for all the support! i am so thankful for how far this book has gotten.chapter one of my new jemily daughter book is out now! i hope you loved this book as much as i did. love you all!

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