chapter seventeen

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A few days later...

3rd Person POV

The last few days have been rough. The entire family had been staying in the house full time. It was now Wednesday. JJ and Will had been home trying to spend time with their kids. Sophie on the other hand, had shut them all out. Refusing to talk after what happened, would throw a fit when she had to go to her daily therapy sessions. JJ wondered what was going on in her head. Even when she got home the first time she didn't act like that.

The fifteen year old would be locked in her room until she needed to eat dinner, which she would take two bites of and throw away because she didn't want to eat either. JJ didn't want her daughter to be sick so she would try and force her to eat but the girl would refuse. She felt defeated. Like nothing she would do could help her daughter.

Sophie's POV

It was morning. I was up at eight. I finally slept through the night. I probably am the worst daughter ever. I didn't mean to shut them out. I love my family more than anything. After the reminder of the abuse that happened for eight years, I couldn't do it anymore. The first day was fine. Then my mom tried to bring it up. I felt worthless and disgusting and refused to speak again. I wasn't worth the food they were feeding me.

I took out my notebook and wrote ways to be positive. I would have to eventually talk to my mom. It wasn't fair to her. She was trying.

My door opened and I saw Henry standing there. He ran and jumped on my bed. His birthday was yesterday. My six year old little brother looked up to me as if I was a super hero.

"Mommy said that there are pancakes downstairs!"

His eyes lit up when I opened my mouth to talk. He didn't understand why I hadn't been talking to anyone.

"Tell her I'll be right down."

"OK!" He said running down the stairs. I could hear him screaming to my mom as he ran "MOMMY! SHE SAID SHE'LL BE RIGHT DOWN!"

I giggled and put on a hoodie. I braided my hair, grabbed my phone and headed down. I hadn't really talked to Jack. He was busy with school and soccer. We would only talk at night and that's when I was at my worst. He understood.

My mom smiled at the fact that I made the effort to brush my hair and actually kind of get ready.

"Good morning sweetheart."

"Morning mommy. Morning dad."

Will smiled at me. So did my mom. I seemed happy. She pushed a plate in front of me but I politely pushed it back.

"You have to eat Soph."

"I'm not hungry. Maybe later."

She gave up and I sat there thinking of what happened back at the Gransey household. I was beat and sexually assaulted and no one knew. I had blocked it out of my memory.

I was snapped out of my trance when my mom tapped by shoulder. Dad and Henry were going to the park.

"Hey... let's talk baby."

I nodded. This wouldn't end good.

We sat down on the couch and my mom began to talk.

"Are you ready to talk about what happened for eight years that you refused to tell me?"

I shook my head. Playing around with my fingers.

"You have to talk eventually."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do. I need to know what exactly is going on in that head of yours. Why don't you trust me Sophie?! I'm your mom. These guys are dead. No one is ever going to touch you again! This can't go on forever! You can't just shut us out like that! You know what you did to your poor little brother! Henry thought you were mad at him! He's too young to understand! Fuck Sophie! You know what you did to us?! My poor baby didn't trust me enough to tell me she was hurting! I must be a terrible mother if you won't tell me!"

I was shocked. I felt so worthless. She's never screamed at me like this. I didn't know what to do. All I could do was cry.

We sat there quietly for about five minutes. I was sobbing. She had been crying too. I finally broke the silence.

"I'm sorry mom. I felt worthless and disgusting and I didn't know how to talk about it."

"No, I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to snap at you. I've just been so worried about you."

"I think I'm ready to talk about it."

"You sure? I don't want to force you."

"I think I'll be ok."

For the next hour we cried as I talked about the horror I went through as a seven year old. We were both traumatized. I was finally relieved when I let it out.

A few minutes later, I felt ok enough to eat a little bit. My mom was happy. Henry and Will and came and mom told Will that we both finally broke down.

Jack stopped by for a little bit and brought me some candy. I really missed him. I wouldn't start soccer of school until next week but I was ready for everything to go back to normal.

At night, I read Henry his story. He knew how to read. But me reading to him made it special. I snuck out of the room when he fell asleep and walked to the kitchen to get some water. Will was in there.

"Hey kiddo. Getting water?"

I nodded.

"You're mom was really worried about you. So was I."

"I know Will, I'm sorry."

"Hey hey hey. It's ok. Just remember I love you Soph."

"Love you too dad."

I didn't get tired until around 11. I felt the need to text Em.

hi Em. i really miss you. are you guys on a case? if not, can you stop by tomorrow?"

I got a response almost immediately.

Hi pumpkin. Your mom told us you were doing better. Not on a case. How about I bring you breakfast tomorrow?

That sounds perfect.

I went to sleep peacefully that night. I was going to be ok. It would just take time.

hiii! sophie here! don't forget to vote and comment what you want to see in this book in the future! i'm taking requests haha

Found (Daughter of Jennifer Jareau)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें