chapter four

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Evening of Rossi's party...

Sophie's POV

I was going to see Jack again. He was my best friend when I was little and I missed him so much. I only hoped he still remembered me or hadn't replaced me. I mean, a girl could dream that nothing would change after eight years. Mom told me he still played soccer. We were on the same team when we were younger.

"Sophie! Get ready! We got to get going soon!" I heard my mom yell from the other room. Loud noises startled me so I jumped a little and my breathing became heavy. There was a quiet knock at my door and my mom opened it.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I scare you? I didn't mean to be loud, but if you want to make it to this party, you got to get dressed."

"It's ok, just got a little startled. I'll get ready fast, I promise."

She nodded and left the room.

I got dressed and put on a cute light pink blouse and tucked it in to a white skirt. I looked at my shoe options and realized that nothing really matched. I decided to ask my mom because we were the same sized shoe. I was nervous to ask. Would Will be mad at me for even going in their room? Would she say no because they're her belongings? I decided to be brave anyway. I could take it.

I slowly approached the room and I could see the door was open. Will was helping Henry put on his shoes and mom was doing her hair. I had already done my hair. My hair is naturally wavy, so put it in a ponytail and tied a white ribbon into it.

"Hi Sissy." Henry said as he noticed me standing in the doorway.

Mom put the hair curler down and turned to me.

"Look at my baby all grown up. I feel like it was just yesterday when I was fixing your uneven pigtails and putting pretty white bows in your hair."

Will looked over and smiled.

"Come on Henry, let's go clean up the kitchen before we go."

Will said as he picked up Henry and left, closing the door behind him.

"Hey mommy..." I said quietly without making eye contact with her.

"Yeah what's up?"

"Can I borrow a pair of shoes? I don't quite have any that match this outfit."

"Sure Soph, in the closet on the floor to the left."

I said thank you and picked a pair of white hightop converse.

"I forgot I even had those. Anyway, they're all yours. I never wear them."

I smiled and exited the room.

The car ride was fun. We listened to music and I told them about my discovery of apps called Instagram and Snapchat. They laughed and realized I really hadn't been around to use them throughout the years. While I was being held, we really only had access to some TV and YouTube. Only on good days though.

We arrived at the mansion and there were a lot of cars at the front. Mom said only the team was invited though. Meaning, Uncle Spence, Uncle Derek, Aunt Em, Aunt Penelope, and Uncle Aaron. Mom told me earlier that she made Uncle Spence Henry's godfather as well. However, my godmother was Aunt Em and Henry's was. Aunt Penelope.

I got down from the car and we walked through the gate to the backyard. Apparently we were the last ones there, nice going mom. Aunt Penny was the first one to walk up and give me a hug. I was sensitive to touch but hugging them all just felt right. I then saw Jack sitting on the outdoor couch alone and he was on his phone. After all the adults had gone off to do their own thing, Henry being entertained by Uncle Spence's magic tricks. I walked over to Jack and sat next to him.

"Hey." I said quietly which caused him to look up from his phone.

"Oh my gosh you are really back." He reached over and grabbed me and we hugged for what felt like forever.

"Jack Liam Hotchner don't you dare make me cry."

"I just missed you so much. One day we were out in the yard playing soccer and trying to be FBI agents, the next thing you were gone."

"I missed you too Jack..."

After about thirty minutes of catching up he blurts out

"You know I had to change schools. I couldn't bear with the fact that I knew you were missing."

"I'm sorry Jack. I'm here now. We have all summer to be kids again. I need to brush up on my soccer skills."

We argued about who would win our first game and after two more hours of the best time I've had in a while, it was time to go home.

Will's POV

After the thirty minute drive we had finally arrived home. It was about ten pm and when JJ and I turned around to see the kids Henry was awake playing on his iPad and Sophie was fast asleep.

"I know she didn't get must sleep tonight. After seeing her so happy with Jack tonight, I have a feeling she feels a but safer." JJ said while she grabbed her purse.

"She looks so peaceful, I'll just carry her into the house and put her on her bed. I'll take off her shoes too." I said. I really hope she doesn't wake up.

JJ went to Henry's door and helped him out of his booster seat. I went over to Sophie's side and unbuckled her seatbelt. I handed JJ Sophie's purse and JJ walked to unlock the door. I picked up Sophie and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

When we got to her room I laid her down softly, she began to wake up and I thought she was going to be scared. Instead, she opened her eyes smiled and said "Goodnight Will. Thank you for being so sweet. Tell my mom I love her. You're the best." She then kicked her shoes off, rolled over, and went to sleep.

I walked into my room feeling accomplished. JJ noticed me smiling as I began to change my clothes and hop into bed next to her.

"Sophie woke up when I laid her down."

"Oh no, is she ok? Did she freak out?"

"Actually the opposite. She said thank you and said I was the best. She also said goodnight to you and she loves you."

"Aw you see, you'll be a great dad to her in the future Will."

"Woah woah woah. We're taking things slow here. Whenever she is ready."

"Goodnight Will."

"Goodnight JJ"

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