chapter ten

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Very early Saturday morning...


I just got back from a terrible case. It was three in the morning. This was the latest I had gotten home since Sophie came back. I already knew she probably panicked and Will had to calm her down. 

I walked upstairs and set my bag down in the room. I got changed and laid down in bed next to Will. He turned over still half asleep and mumbled

"Kids were worried about you. Tough case?"


I laid down trying to go to bed but every five minutes I would flip over or sit up. Will turned around and sat up grabbing my hand.

"Why are you tossing and turning? Let's talk about the case JJ."

"No, it's nothing."

"You know if you bring it home you have to get it out. Let's go downstairs. I'll make you coffee."

"Ok, but let me check on the kids first."

"You don't want to wake them. I promise you. Today was tough. I think they're getting sick or something."

"Will, why didn't you call me? Those are my kids I could have helped."

"While you were on a case? Jennifer, just let them sleep."

I looked at the picture frame on my nightstand of Sophie and Henry. I started to cry. We've been away for two days. It almost went cold. Kids were dying. I knew I shouldn't have brought it home but sometimes you can't get certain images out of your head. I needed to make sure my kids were safe.

"It was kids. Wasn't it?"

I nodded and hugged him.

"JJ, they're ok. Now, let's go talk about it and when the kids get up we can spend the day together. I'm assuming Hotch gave you the day off?"

I nodded and we went to the kitchen. He made me coffee and we talked about the case. I told him how the unsub was kidnapping these kids from their beds when everyone was sleep and he was killing them. I told him how we couldn't figure out his pattern so we didn't know where he would strike next. We finally figured it out but it was mentally and physically draining and I just wanted to get home to my kids. We found the unsub at someones house and the kids reminded me of Sophie and Henry. We couldn't save the little girl. I blamed myself.

By the time our conversation was over the sun was already up. I could hear footsteps and I saw Henry running down the stairs. 

"Mommy! You're home!"

He jumped on me and I squeezed him tight.

"I missed you buddy. Why don't we all go make breakfast?"

We walked to the kitchen and I lifted Henry onto the countertop so he could help Will make waffles.

Sophie's POV

I woke up with the worst headache. I'm worried about my mom and I really hope she's home. I walked downstairs to see my dad and my mom eating and Henry watching a show on the couch. I started feeling super dizzy. 

"There's my peanut! I missed you so so much." My mom said while getting up to hug me.

"JJ, she look super pale." Dad said also getting up.

"I don't feel so good." was the last thing I said before passing out.

I woke up and I was on the floor. There was a wet towel on my head and I could hear Henry crying. I shot up to make sure Henry was ok when I felt a giant rush


"Sh sh sh. Henry was just worried about you. It's ok. Will come carry her to the couch. I think she has a fever."

Dad picked me up and laid me on the couch, kissing my forehead.

"I'm going to drop Henry at Aarons. I don't want him getting sick."

No fair. I wanted to see Jack. 

"Tell Jack I miss him." I mumbled before he grabbed Henry and walked out the door.

My mom came back with a cup of water and medicine and I drank it before she put on a movie. She sat down next to me and ran her fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here for you baby."

"You were on a case mom, you saved a lot of lives. I'm going to be ok." She smiled and we watched the movie. 

Towards the end of the night around dinner time I was feeling a little better. I still had the worst headache but I hadn't passed out or thrown up. The door bell rang and I looked at my dad to answer it. 

"Heyyy buddy." He said while picking up Henry. "How was your day?"

"Good. How's sissy?"

I smiled. "I'm much better bubba, thank you."

He ran to hug my mom and she carried him over me so he could kiss my forehead before placing him down so he could get ready for bed.

Uncle Aaron was talking to dad when I heard another voice.

"Hi Will, is she awake? Can I see her?"

He nodded and Jack stepped inside and walked over to me.

"I don't want you to get sick Jack."

"I don't care I need a hug." He sat next to me on the couch and hugged me. 

"I hope you feel better Soph. I brought you blue gatorade."

"Thanks Jack. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." He said and then kissed my forehead. What is it with people and my forehead?

I ended up falling asleep on the couch with my mom by my side. Will came down to check on us a few times and to reassure my mom that I would be fine and it wasn't her fault. We finally both fell asleep around one. I knew mom needed some rest and the medicine was finally working.

I hadn't been sick in a long time but I finally remembered what it felt like to be cared for.


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