chapter twenty eight

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Two weeks later...

Sophie's POV

It's the night before Jack's birthday. Our parents have been away on a case for a week now. Still not sure when they're coming back. I really feel bad for him. He hasn't had his dad home for his birthday is years.

I was trying to make him feel special. Tomorrow was Saturday so I wouldn't have to be up early for school. It was almost midnight and we were on Facetime. We had barely heard from our parents. Just the occasional 'we're alive' text. They were working hard to close the case. 

My mom was still recovering from getting shot. I mean, she claims it just sore now. She loves her job. She starts maternity leave January 1st. Henry was so excited. So was I, but I didn't show it. I knew how much my mom loved her job.

Jack and I were giggling about a TV show when I got a text.

Hi babygirl. Should be home late tonight. Don't tell Jack. Love you to the moon. Goodnight.

goodnight mommy. love you. and i won't tell him.

Just I sent that last text the time changed.


"Happy birthday Jack Jack. Finally in the 16 year old club."

"Thank you cutie. My dad is calling. Stay on the phone, you're on my laptop anyway."

I nodded and turned my attention to my phone so it wouldn't be awkward as he talked to his dad.

I could hear them talking. Talking about how proud his mom would be. Talking about how proud him and Beth are. Beth had just moved in so I'm sure she was there. I sat there for about ten minutes until they said goodbye. 

He was the first one to speak.

"Hey I think I'm going to sleep. See you tomorrow at 12?"

"Ok babe. Goodnight. Happy birthday Jack. See you tomorrow. Love you."

"I love you too."

We hung up. 

He was hurt. He wanted his dad to be home. 

I got up and tried to open my door quietly before tip toeing down the stairs to get water. I jumped when I saw that Will was sitting at the counter. Head in his hands.

"Didn't mean to scare you Soph."

"It's ok dad. What's wrong?"

"Just waiting for your mom. Why are you awake?"

"Jack's birthday. What time will she be home?"

"Two hours or so?"

"Shouldn't you like wait in bed then?" He seemed to stutter after I said that.

"Uh-uh yeah." He stood up.

I knew what was wrong. He was worried about my mom. Going out into the field with a baby on the way didn't sit well with him

I got my glass of water and went back upstairs to sleep.

The next morning...

I woke up and checked the time. 9:07. Alright time to get up.

I put on socks and a hoodie and threw up hair up into a messy bun before walking downstairs. When I got there I saw my parents passed out on the couch and Henry standing on the counter trying to get a bowl.

"Woah woah buddy. Let me help you with that."

As Henry jumped down from the counter he kicked a chair which woke up both my parents.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, Henry just kicked the chair. You guys can go upstairs and sleep. I got it from here. Jack and I are hanging out at 12 though."

"No no. I'm up now. But too lazy to get up so come hug me, I haven't seen you in a week."

I walked over and my mom pulled me down on the couch. I rubbed her belly and kept hugging her. We weren't going to find out the gender until the birth. 

"I bet Jack's going to be surprised when he wakes up to see his dad there."

"Yeah he is."

I got up and went to eat breakfast before going upstairs to change and bring Jack's present down. I just got him some hoodies and a new soccer ball.

I put on some soccer clothes because we were going to play soccer and hang out at his house.

When I headed downstairs everyone was on the couch watching Finding Nemo, I joined them until 12.

Mom drove me to Jack's and on the way she told me she had already told Hootch she needed early maternity leave. For the next two weeks she wouldn't go into the field and after that she wouldn't go to work.

When we got to Jack's I knocked on the door. My mom waved from the car and I gave him his present.

"Thanks Soph. I love them."

We took his new soccer ball and played in his covered porch because it was way too cold and icy to play outside.

After the three games, w went inside and hung out with his dad and Beth. They were really funny and we were going through our baby pictures. Of course I stop showing up after age 7. 

Around 6, I said bye and Will picked me up. When we got home there were tacos being cooked. I ate dinner and showered and came back downstairs in my warm and comfy pajamas.

"Someone looks comfy and happy."

"Well, I am comfy and if jack is happy then I am happy."

"I'm glad. Also, while I'm home maybe we can finally redo your room."

"Yay! Anyway, Christmas movie?"

"Of course."

Mom, dad, Henry and I snuggled in the warm living room watching the snow fall while watching Christmas movies.

I guess Will carried me up after I fell asleep because I woke up around two am in my bed. I loved winter. 


My birthday.

Jack's birthday.


New Years Eve.

Then a few months and it's baby time.

Was I scared? Yes. 

But as my Tinkerbell says 

"Faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust."

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