chapter twenty four

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Halloween day...

Sophie's POV

I think people have started to forget what I went through. I mean, they act like Halloween is normal, but to me, it's anything but normal. I haven't had Halloween since I was seven. My last Halloween I was the pink PowerRanger and Jack was the blue one. I woke up way too excited. I could smell breakfast so I ran downstairs. Thank god it was Saturday.

"Someone is excited for today."

I looked up. 


Not like I haven't seen her. I saw her on Wednesday.

"I stopped by to check on your mom. And to check on you. I know today is a big deal for you. We all wanna make it special pumpkin."

"Wait really?"

My mom chimed in.

"Yeah, this is your favorite holiday and you haven't celebrated it in a while. So..."

"Pumpkin waffles." Will said as he placed them on the counter, Henry already digging in.

"Thank you guys."

I properly said good morning to everyone and Em left to the office to pick something up, she would be back for dinner.  I ran upstairs and called Jack. We would be having a Halloween party at Uncle Dave's house. I needed to make sure he had tried on his Han Solo costume. 

"Hi Jareau."

"Hello Hotchner. Happy Halloween."

"Happy Halloween! Before you ask, costume fits. I'm craving candy. I can't wait for tonight."

"Me neither see you later!"

"See you!"

I got dressed in a long fall jacket and leggings and had my mom braid my hair. We watched some kid Halloween movies with Henry and had pizza for lunch. Spending time with my family is the best feeling ever and I always take in every moment.

Around four we started getting ready for the party, it wasn't a dinner party so we were eating here first.

I put on my outfit and put my hair in two buns. I did my makeup and looked in the mirror. Wow. I knew I wasn't a little kid anymore but I loved this. I was interrupted by my mom coming in to check on me.

"Wow Soph, I love it. You look just like her."

"And you look just like a cat. Is dad still gonna be a pirate?"

"Indeed. Wait until you see Henry, he's adorable."

Right after that she closed the door. She really shouldn't be going out, but she promised us all she would take it easy for her sake and the babies sake. I got up and walked to my closet. 

They have to be here somewhere. Mom wouldn't just throw them away. Here they are!

My bag of halloween costumes from previous years. When I was little, my mom didn't have much money. I went to a security private school, that the BAU paid for but still, raising a kid with a government job isn't always the best. She also never really had time to get my costumes. The point is, my costumes weren't always the best, but I was always the happiest kid ever. I had Aunt Penelope to really make my costume amazing.

Pumpkin onsie when I was one. Minnie Mouse dress when I was two. A witch when I was three. A cat when I was four. A fairy when I was five. Belle when I was six. And finally the pink PowerRanger when I was seven.

Halloween was always my favorite holiday. I loved to play dress up. My mom would never let me keep all the candy, but she would let me exchange my candy for a toy, which I liked much better. It was sorta her parenting trick I guess. I wonder if she does the same thing with Henry.

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