chapter twenty nine

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Two days before Christmas...

Will's POV

It has been almost 7 months since Sophie had gotten home. She has made so much progress. JJ hasn't been going on cases, but she still has to help at the office until January 1. The kids are on Christmas Break. We leave the day after Christmas to New York. We are only going for two days. After that, Sophie is going to get undercover certified and she will be completing Junior FBI training so she can go out on the field as an undercover minor. It is very risky, but JJ and I talked about it and we know what she is capable of.

I really tried to take these days off to watch the kids while they were at home. JJ couldn't have them at the office, they were a distraction. Well, Henry was.

This meant that Sophie would have to stay home alone with Henry all day and entertain him, which wasn't fair for her. It was only the first day.

I realized I didn't have to make breakfast as the kids weren't even awake. They tend to sleep later on cold days. 

"J, hot coffee on the counter. Heading out. Love you."

"Thank you Will, love you too. Don't worry about the kiddos, Cameron's mom is going to pick up Henry around 12. Then Jack is going to drive Sophie here and they'll hang here until 6. Soph had therapy at 5. Then you can get Henry and we'll meet up at the house."

"Sounds great. Glad we aren't rushing to Christmas shop this year."

"I know."

I put on my coat and headed to the station. 

11:30 am...

Sophie's POV

I woke up to the sound of pots and pans clashing on the floor.


I got up and I checked my phone. Two texts from Mommy. One from Jack Jack. One from Aunt Em and Em. That's an inside joke because she loves M&M's.

I read my moms text first as I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Good morning Peanut. 
I know it's still early and you're sleeping, but Cameron's mom is picking up Henry at 12. At 12:15, Jack is going to bring you here so you aren't alone. Remember you have therapy at five. I love you.

Yay. BAU day and Jack. I read his message next.

morning cutie. see you at 12:15. mamma mia or hercules?

Mamma Mia. Duh.

Aunt Em just sent me a picture of the hot weather they were enduring in Texas.

I got dressed and remembered about the noise downstairs. Why didn't I check on him sooner?

When I got there he was using a pot to eat his cereal.

"Henry! Why didn't you use a bowl?" I said laughing.

"Couldn't reach."

I took a picture and sent it to my mom.

"Cameron is coming to get you in... uh... 15 minutes."

Shoot. I woke up late.

I helped him get dressed before handing him off to Cameron's mom. Fifteen minutes later Jack got me. The 30 minute drive to the BAU was fun. We listened to Christmas music.

When we got out of the elevator I saw how decorated the office was.

"Like what I did with the office?" Aunt Penelope said.


"Good... afternoon Soph."

"Hi mom!"

"Conference room is all yours, the Netflix is already open. There's hot chocolate too."

"Thanks mom!"

4:50 pm...

A day of watching movies and drinking hot chocolate. There was ten minutes until therapy. I was sorta nervous. I know, I do this every week, but I was still scared. 

I didn't like to talk about my problems. I didn't want anyone to worry about me. 

My mom peeked her head in the room as we finished cleaning up.

"Got you a snack before your session."

She handed me a donut and I thanked her as I walked out into the bullpen.

Jack was leaving so we said goodbye. My mom walked me to the elevator and sent to the fifth floor.

"You're going to be ok. It's only thirty minutes."

I breathed before walking in.

"Ah Miss Sophie. Ready?"

I nodded looking at the floor. I didn't want to talk today. Why did they care about my feeling?

"Let's get started then. How have you been this week? Anything new?"

"School was good, glad I'm on break."

"Ok but how have you been?"

"Good I guess."

"Your mom told me to push you today. You've been bottled up. What is really wrong?"

"Nothing. I've been good. Happy. I'm home and it's almost Christmas."


She glared at me. Should I? I mean, this is therapy. I should feel better about myself after this.

So I did. I told her. I cried. I let it go. She ended up having to call my mom to keep me an extra fifteen minutes.

I talked about how my nightmares and about my mom and the new babu. I was nervous. Would they forget about me? Not to be selfish, but I was scared I was going to get pushed aside. Of course the new baby would need way more attention than me, I was ok with that.

When the session was finally over I did feel better. So much better. She really helped me see that it was all going to be ok and I needed to work on focusing on myself.

"You ok peanut?"

I just hugged her. 

"I'm ok now. Can we go home?"

She nodded. The car ride was silent. Only the quiet music in the background from the radio.

When we got home. I didn't run straight to my room like I usually would after therapy, instead I kicked my shoes off,  grabbed a blanket from the couch and sat at the couch with Henry as he watched his show.

He looked up at me, scooted closer and laid his head in my lap. I smiled as my heart melted. Another sibling on the way, another kiddo to love.

My mom took a picture and a few minutes later I realized he was asleep. When the movie finished it was time for showers and bed, Henry had taken a hot shower earlier and had already been in pajamas.

"I'll take him Soph" Dad said holding out his arms.

I shook my head.

"I'll carry him up. You guys can eat."

I carried him up the stairs and laid him in bed. Took a quick picture of him being adorable, kissed his forehead and walked downstairs to eat.

After dinner I showered and laid in bed, mom came in to talk. We talked for three hours about my feelings. I felt better talking to her than anyone else.

It was finally time to go to bed.

"Goodnight Soph. Get some sleep. Love you."

"Love you too mommy."

I closed my eyes almost falling asleep immediately. 

Talk about your feelings. Trust me. You aren't being selfish.

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