chapter six

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The next morning...

Sophie's POV

My alarm didn't go off. I checked the time. 7:23am. Shit. I was supposed to be downstairs eight minutes ago. I got up, brushed my teeth and put on leggings and my moms FBI hoodie that she gave me and I didn't want to give back. I quickly put my white converse on and did light makeup and by 7:30 sharp I was downstairs mid french braiding my hair.

"Hey sleepyhead. No rush. You're just going to have to have breakfast on the go."

I sighed in relief as I grabbed the banana she was holding out for me before hugging her tight. 

"Good morning mom."

I then hugged Henry and saw Will running down the stairs.

"I'm late!" He said while running down the stairs.

He kissed my mom and hugged Henry and said goodbye. He then hugged me really fast without noticing he had touched me. Surprisingly, I didn't even flinch. He realized what he had done and he stopped and turned around. 

"Oh my gosh Sophie. I'm so sorry. I didn't even-"

Before he could finish the sentence I walked over and hugged him.

"Bye Will. Have a good day. Also, your shoes are untied."

He smiled and looked at my mom surprised. He then laughed and walked out the door.

We finally left and the car drive was really quiet. Henry on his iPad and me on my phone. My mom then stopped the music and looked at me.

"I'm glad you are liking Will. He really loves you peanut."

"I know mom. He's a really good guy."

We then talked about Jack and how I also reconnected with some other friends. We talked about some of her cases and how she met Will. We were finally at the FBI Headquarters and we got down to go inside. 

We went to the kid care and dropped off Henry before going to the BAU.

We walked in and almost everyone was there chatting. 

"Hello Jaraeu's." Uncle Derek said while sitting on Uncle Spencer's desk. Everyone was crowded around Uncle Spencer's desk except Uncle Aaron and Uncle Dave.

We both said hi and I tried to peak inside Uncle Aaron's office to see Jack but it didn't look like he was there.

"Hey Soph. Who you looking for?" Uncle Derek said while smirking.

"Um... Jack. Do you know if he's here?"

"I didn't see him come in with Hotch. I think someone has a crush."

"What? No!" I really did think I was starting to like him just a little bit. I thought he liked me too.

"If you say so." 

Uncle Aaron then called them into the conference room and again, no sign of Jack. I decided to text him.

Me: Hey, are you here? 

Jack: Oh my gosh I totally forgot we had plans today. I went over to a friends house instead. Sorry Sophie. 

Me: It's ok I guess. I'll just go sit with Henry in the kids thing or maybe just sit on my phone until Will picks me up at 6.

Jack: Again, I'm so sorry. I know we already talked about this, but I can't even go back to the BAU until Friday now because I made plans.

Me: I know. See you friday.

Jack: Sorry.

I didn't think him forgetting about me would hurt as much as it did. I was looking forward to it a lot. I felt a tear stream down my face. For eight years I had just simply thought of what my best friend was doing. 

I sat on my moms office chair. Trying not to cry too loud before I just decided to call Will and see what time he was going to pick me up. I knew he was busy but I wanted to know.

Will: Hey Soph. Everything ok? 

I started crying a little louder without realizing.

Will: Hey hey hey why are you crying? What happened?

Me: Sorry Will. I'm ok. What time are you picking us up? 

Will: 5. Why? Did Jack not go today?

Me: He forgot about me and made other plans. 

I cried a little louder.

Will: Aw.. sweetie. It's going to be ok. Call me if you need me but I'll go get you as soon as work is over.

I said bye and they walked out of the conference room. My mom noticed my tears and I told her what happened with Jack and that I called Will.

"Will will get you as soon as he can and I'm sorry about Jack. Boy are a little dumb sometimes."

She then had to go as they had a case. It was close to home though so they would be home at night.

Time skip to 5pm...

Today was way too boring. I texted Jack a lot. He apologized and sent me food. I thanked him and told him it was ok. I think he really was sorry about forgetting. I saw Henry and hung out with Aunt Penelope for a bit. Will finally called me and I ran downstairs ready to go home.

I hugged him and on the way home told him about the day. He was really starting to feel like another parent. 

We ate pizza at home and got ready for bed. Well before that we played The Game of Life because Henry liked that game and it was super fun. I talked to Jack during the night and Will tucked me in. I heard my mom come in around 2am. Will was asleep but she came to say goodnight to me and saw me talked to Jack. 

She kissed my forehead and told me she loved me. I had been talking to her throughout the day so she was already updated. 

 I then said goodnight to Jack and went to bed. 

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