chapter nine

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Monday morning...


 I woke up around seven to see Will already getting ready. He mumbled

"You know she's really freaking out J." I sighed and nodded as he pulled me out of bed.

 I decided to wake up Sophie myself like I used to when she was younger. I opened her door slowly to see her peacefully sleeping. I shook her softly.

"Soph. Time for school. Get dressed and ready and meet us downstairs for breakfast."

She groaned but then smiled and got up. I left to wake up Henry and then walked downstairs to make coffee. Will was there making waffles.

"Coffee." I said while pushing past him. I made mine and made Sophie's putting hers in the fridge so she could have it on the way to the office.

Henry was dressed in his uniform and Soph was walking down the stairs wearing a cute dress and her converse. She loves those shoes.

"Daddy made waffles and Soph, coffee is in the fridge."

Will would be dropping Henry off at school around 8:30 but Sophie and I had to leave for the office.

"Bye Henry have a great first day of kindergarten. I love you bud."

I kissed Will and Sophie said bye to him and Henry. We got in the car and started driving to the BAU. She seemed nervous.

"What's on your mind peanut?"

"Nothing. Just tired."

I looked at her with the "I know you aren't just tired face" and she sighed.

"Sometimes I really hate that you're a profiler." We both laughed.

She explained how even just going back into a learning environment was making her nervous. I ensured her that it would be fine and I was sure she would be too far behind as while being held hostage she still learned some using the internet.

Sophie's POV

I've walked into the BAU multiple times. Too many to even count. But today it didn't feel like the BAU. It felt like school.

I felt a sudden rush to my head as we walked out of the elevator. It was 8:15, my class wasn't until 8:30.

I sat down at my moms desk while she went to get me a glass of water because she saw I was nervous. Uncle Spence came over and sat on his desk looking at me shaking and fidgeting with my hands.

"Sophie are you ok?"

I looked at him and nodded. I was waiting for my mom to come back.

"You know school here won't be that bad. You're super protected and no one is going to let anything happen to you ever again. I'll make sure of it."

I smiled and saw my mom approaching with water and an apple.

"Here, now say hi to everyone and let's get you set up with the tutor."

I nodded slowly and said hi to everyone. Aunt Em pulled me close and said "You're a super genius like boy wonder over there. Well, your'e own kind of smart and you are going to be just fine Sophie. I promise you. Will is going to pick you up at three and your'e going to go home and your'e going to say 'wow, that wasn't that bad'. I love you. Hotch is calling us."

Just like that I went to my mom and said goodbye. She handed me a note and said to open it at lunch. I shoved it in my pocket and walked to the elevator with them but instead of going in it I kept walking to the tutor.

I sat down and started with math...

At 12 it was time for lunch, I texted my dad and mom about how it wasn't that bad and I texted the team group chat too. Jack was in it and he said his first day was going great too. I smiled and decided to open my note it said

I'm so proud of you on your first day. I know your'e nervous but you are so super safe. I mean, come on, there are agents all around you and both of your parents carry guns. Anyway, I miss you already but I hope this case is short so I can snuggle you and hear about your day when you get home. I'm glad to see you have another first day of school when I thought first grade would be your last. I love you.

I shed a tear and texted her that I read her note. I then had to get back to school. Science. Yay.

It was finally three but Will was running late. He wouldn't usually pick me up from school. I would stay until six and he would pick me up after work. Henry would go to after care. But it was the first day so he left early.

While I waited I sat with Aunt Penelope and "helped" with the case. Will texted me that he was finally there so I said bye and ran to the car.

"Hey kiddo, how was your day?" He said while hugging me.

"Hi dad, it was great. Can we get ice cream?"

"I'm glad to hear that. How about we wait until your mom gets home? I hear they are on the jet already."

I smiled and we went to pick up Henry. He said his day was awesome and he made new friends and they talked about Spiderman and trucks.

Two hours later...

We were sitting at the table eating pasta when the front door opened. My mom set her nag down and kneeled for Henry to run and hug her. He did. She then asked about his day. She then walked over to me and smiled.

"What? Not even a hug?"

I got up and squeezed her.

"I was waiting for your Henry moment to be over."

I told her all about my boring classes and then we got in the car and got ice cream. I decided to get one for Jack. We drove to his house and I knocked. Hotch answered and he screamed up the stairs

"Jack! It's for you!"

He ran downstairs and basically tackled me. I hugged back and handed him his ice cream.

"Thanks shorty. Call me when you get home." Shorty. He had started calling me that after I told him how tall I was. He was basically six feet so anything to him was short.

When I got home, I called him and we talked about our days. We then said goodnight because of school. I decided to read Henry his book tonight and it was just adorable. Then my mom came in and asked about Jack.

"Be honest, how much do you like Jack?"

"Out of 1-10? I would say 9.5"

"Make a move Soph. He probably likes you. I saw the way he hugged you."

Just on time Will walked in.

"Goodnight Soph. J, let's let the girl get some rest."

I said goodnight to both of them before I saw them walk out.

Should I tell Jack? What if he liked someone at school? Stop overthinking Sophie. What if he likes you?

hi guys! thanks for reading my book! be sure to vote on the chapters so i can keep writing more! have a great day :)

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