chapter twelve

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The next morning...

Sophie's POV

I woke up next morning to my loud and annoying alarm. I heard Henry already in the bathroom and I heard Will with him. I then heard my bathroom door bust open and saw Henry running to my bed, Will following after him laughing. He jumps on my bed and hugs me. 

"Good morning! It's time for school!"

"Yes it is buddy. Go with daddy to finish getting ready Henry."

Will came over and kissed my forehead helping me get out of bed. I thanked him and he walked back with Henry to get him dressed for school. I knew my mom was getting ready to leave soon so I had to get ready quickly. I put on a sweatshirt and some leggings and put my hair in a ponytail. I then ran downstairs really quick to see my mom ready in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"Morning. Ready for today?"

"Yup. It's a half day so I guess dad's going to pick us up really quick and I'm going to watch Henry at home."

"Ugh. You know how I hate you kids here alone."

"I know mom. It's gonna be ok. It's only a few hours."

"Ok. Here's your coffee and your lunch. Grab your backpack, let's go Soph."

I yelled goodbye to Henry and Will upstairs and we left.

As we were driving my mom got a call that the case was urgent and she needed to get to the office as soon as she could. She told them she was on her way and when we got there we basically ran. I waved hi to everyone said bye to my mom and went to school. I knew this case was going to be a long one.

Around eleven, it was time for lunch. I saw I had a text from Will saying he was picking me up at one. I took out my packed lunch and there was a note from my mom.

Hope you're having a great day. I love you and I'm so proud of how much you've grown since you got home. Remember to call me after you see Jack. I'm betting that he's going to ask you on a date.


Jack. I had totally forgotten about seeing Jack today. I texted him to see if he was still coming by and he told me he would after dinner. 

I finished the day with some criminal law. I found it super interesting and always wanted to be just like my mom. 

It was one pm and I ran downstairs to see Will waiting in the car with Henry. I waved to the agents that guard the front of the building and got in the car. Will dropped us off at home and Henry and I sat in the kitchen. I knew mom was nervous as this is the first time I've been left alone and especially with Henry.

I made Henry a snack and sat down at the table do quickly do homework before helping Henry with his. He usually would have it done at aftercare and I would have it done while still at the office.

After we finished homework it was about three and will would be getting home earlier than usual because he was also nervous to leave us alone. Not that they didn't trust me. But unsubs target FBI agents.

Henry wanted to watch TV so I turned on the TV  and sat on the couch on my phone until I got a call from mom.

"Hey peanut, turns out we might just end up getting home late tonight. We've seemed to figure out a lead. How's Henry?"

"He's good. Homework is done and we're watching TV"

"Ok, well, Hotch is calling me."

I said bye and turned to pay attention to Henry's kiddy show.

A few hours later...

Dad was home and I was in my room. It was almost dinner time but he ordered pizza. I was drawing and listening to music when my door opened. My eyes moved down to see Henry. Face all red and tears streaming down his face. Clutching his teddy bear. 

I was confused. Was dad ok? Was he ok?

"Come here Henry. What's wrong?" I patted the spot on my bed next to me. He ran and sit down letting go of the bear and hugging me. 

"I miss mommy."

"Aw Henry I miss her too. She's going to be home soon though. Daddy and I are here while you wait for her. How about we call her? She might be bus, but we can try."

He nodded and I facetimed her. She answered quickly and it looked as if she were already on the jet home.

"Hey Sophie. I'm already on my way home. What's up?"

"Hi mommy. Henry misses you and I came up with an idea to call you."

I panned over to Henry and she could see he was crying.

"Hi buddy. I miss you. I'm on my way home. I'll be there just in time to tuck you in."

"I miss you mommy. See you soon."

"See you soon Henry. Be good for daddy and Sophie. I love you."

"I love you too mommy."

"Bye buddy. Bye peanut"

"Bye mommy."

"Bye mom."

Henry hugged me tight and thanked me before grabbing his teddy bear and leaving the room. I got a text from Jack saying he was on his way.

I ran downstairs and prepped myself. He told me he was outside so I told Will I was going outside and I sat on the front porch.

"Hey Soph. So about last night. You were probably prepared for me to say that it was a mistake and we should forget about it. But I really like you. We've been best friends forever and I think we should be more than friends. But take it slow. If we rush it, it's not going to end well. So, this is me asking if you will be my girlfriend I guess."

I blushed and smiled.

"Yes, of course. I agree. Let's go slow. We can tell the team. But only if they ask. Our parents will probably tell them anyway."

He laughed and nodded and my mom's car pulled up as well as his dad's.

"Hi lovebirds. Is it official?" My mom said and jack and I burst out laughing. 

"I guess that's a yes."

Jack and I said bye and would call eachother later. I said bye to Hotch and mom and I walked inside to see dad and Henry getting ready for bed. 

Around the time I was going to bed my mom came in and said that they knew they were going to have a tough case tomorrow and wouldn't be home for a few days. I had to watch Henry and made sure he felt safe. He had really been missing mom lately.

"Goodnight peanut. I love you. I'm glad you and jack worked out. When you guys were born Haley and I always said you would get married."

I smiled. Turning around and going to sleep. Jack. Liam. Hotchner. Oh how he drove me crazy.

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