chapter twenty five

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Two weeks later...

Sophie's POV

It was two weeks until my birthday. I was so excited. It still being November meant fall outfits and yummy food.

I had still been going to therapy regarding the whole Anna thing but I was ok with it. I needed the help and I needed to talk to someone.

Jack and I were still going strong and we continued to see each other every other day. On the other hand, my mom has been away for five days. That's the longest she's ever been away. Henry hasn't quite panicked yet. I think it's because he's more focused on the holidays. 

It was Friday, but we didn't have school. I had been laying in bed for an hour. Will had to go to work still so I would be watching Henry all day. Surprisingly this has never happened.

My door creaked open and Henry came running to my bed. He lifted himself up and snuggled next to me.

"Can we watch a Christmas movie?"

"Sure buddy. Are you hungry first?"

"Kinda, but I wanna watch the movie in here."

"Ok, how about I go make Eggo waffles and you stay here?"

"Ok sissy."

I put socks on and a jacket because it was really cold and walked downstairs to make waffles. When they were done I brought them to Henry and we ate on my floor before laying back in my bed and snuggling to watch Elf.  About halfway through the movie I got a text from dad.

All good over there?

yeah, laying in my bed watching a christmas movie. he's very excited for christmas

Ok, have a good day and call me if you need anything. Have you heard from your mom?

not yet, ill call her in a bit

Wonder what she was up to. Probably eliminating suspects or something.

By the time the movie was over it was 12 and I still haven't heard from my mom. Maybe I should call her. 

I left Henry in the living room setting up his train tracks and I walked to the kitchen and sat at the counter.

"Hello. You've reached Jennifer Jareau, I'm not able to answer your call right now, please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can"

She's probably just busy. I went over to Henry and we started playing with his cars.


"Garcia please tell me you have something good! I would like this case to be over."

"In fact I do Sugarplum. I've narrowed it down to two people. Mike Finnigin and George Lawerence. Address's are being sent to your phones now."

"You are an angel Garcia."

This case had been going out for too long. I missed my kiddos and I missed Will. 

A few hours later...

"J, did you grab everything from the hotel?"

"Yes, now can we please get on the jet? I am tired and want to go home!"

"Have you checked your phone today?"

"No, I'll check it now."

Oh shoot. Two missed calls from Will and four from Soph.

"They're going to kill you J."

"I know I know. I'll call them now."

Will first. Sophie after.


"Hey babe. Just finished the case. On our way home."

"Finally. I won't tell the kids so you can surprise them. i just heard from them and they're having a great day. Sophie made them waffles in bed and they ate mac and cheese and have set up all Henry's train tracks and Soph's old dolls to make their own world. They're beyond happy."

"I miss them. Should be home in three or so hours. Two hour flight."

"Ok, be safe. You know her birthday is coming up?"

"Of course I know. Second day of December. Jack is two weeks after her. We'll talk about this later. We have to get through Thanksgiving first."

"Ok. I gotta go. See you at home."

I turned to Em. What were we going to do to make her 16th birthday so special?

"What's on your mind?"

"Sophie turning 16."

"Wow. 16. You guys have come a long way."

"Yeah... I would not have been able to take care of that little girl if it weren't for the BAU. After her 'bio dad' said he wanted nothing to do with her, I didn't know what to do. I'm glad I stuck to raising her. She's been through more than most adults ever go through."

"But she had an amazing momma to get her through it."

"Now that I think of it... Hey Dave. Can we use your house for Sophie's birthday."

"It's not a house..."

"Its a mansion!" Everyone says as they laugh.

Sophie's POV

I checked the clock. 5 pm. Henry and I had been playing for 5 hours and we weren't going to stop any time soon. I got up to grab a snack and I saw the front door open. Dad shouldn't be home until at least 6 today.

Please tell me I wouldn't have to push the emergency button today.



Henry and I both ran to her almost knocking her down.

"Thought you wouldn't be back for another few days."

"Case was solved. I told your dad not to tell you."

"Best surprise ever."

Henry tugged at her arm to make her see our world set up in the living room.

An hour later Dad got home. We spent most of the night watching movies and eating snacks. At one point we were all playing with the world we created.

As I was about to fall asleep, my door opened.

"Goodnight Soph. You'll always be my babygirl."

"I know mommy. Goodnight."

I went to sleep that night thinking. Which usually is a bad thing but it was good this time. Having a family. My mom was pregnant. There would be a new baby soon. All the attention would be on him or her. It was good to spend the last few months of a family of four. But I already knew that I would love that baby more than anything.

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