chapter eighteen

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The next morning...

Sophie's POV

I woke up the next morning eager to see my Aunt Em. When I was little she would always hang around. Now that I think about it she might have been dating my mom. But that's not the point. I missed always having her to talk to. 

I woke up around nine as I walked down the stairs I could hear voices. I smiled running down faster to see who was there. When I finally turned the corner to the kitchen I saw my mom, Will, and Em in the kitchen talking while Henry played on his iPad on the couch.

"There's my favorite pumpkin." She said as I hugged her so tight I almost knocked her down. 

"Woah kid let her breathe." My mom laughed as I stopped hugging her.

"Someone missed me."

I nodded as I opened the box of doughnuts sitting on the counter.

"So, Soph... I may have taken the day off to hangout with you. When you're done eating go get dressed and we're going to go shopping."


Will mentioned how he and Henry were going to hang around the house today. After I finished eating I brought Henry upstairs and got him dressed before making my way to my room. Henry did not know how to match his own outfits. 

I ran downstairs to see my mom waving my iced coffee. I grabbed it and hugged her. I was lucky. She was my best friend.

When we got to the mall, it was empty. I mean, it was a Thursday at 10:30. We bought a few things and ate lunch and around 12 they decided to go into the office for a few minutes to day hi.

At the office...

I walked out the elevator and the first voice I heard was Derek Morgan's. 

"Heyyy. Little Jareau, how you doing?"

"I'm good." I smiled.

Staying close to my mother just as I did when I was little. There was a new type of anxiety that came after this kidnapping. My mom would tell. I always wanted to be held. However, I wasn't a seven year old little girl anymore. Not that she couldn't still carry me.

I began to listen in to the conversation of the adults they were teasing Uncle Spence about his new girlfriend. Wait. He has a girlfriend?

"Pretty boy has a girlfriend." Uncle Derek said.

"Wait you do?" I said. Feeling as this is something he should've told me. Or maybe not. Things have changed. I wasn't seven anymore. 

"Yeah... it's a new thing. Her name is Anna. She's a lawyer."

I nodded trying to seem ok. The team of profilers could tell something was up but the awkward silence was broken when Aunt Penelope came in. 

"Emily I though you weren't coming in today- JJ! Mini JJ! What brings you guys here?"

"Just stopping by to say hi." My mom said squeezing my hand twice as a way of asking if I was ok. I had promised myself I was going to be more honest with her. 

I squeezed her hand back once to signify that I wasn't ok. I don't think she expected that because she immediately looked down at me and saw the tears forming in my eyes. 

She kicked Aunt Em's leg and her eyes went straight to me. She nodded slightly and my mom moved me in front of me and turned me so I was facing her. She quickly wiped my tears and just hugged me.

I love how they knew to keep it subtle. I really needed to cry. I didn't understand how I drifted from the team. I guess I expected everything to be normal after eight years.

"We haven't had lunch yet so I think we're going to head out." Emily lied and we all said goodbye. As soon as the elevator doors closed I hugged my mom and hid my face so I could cry. 

She boosted me up and held me just like she would hold Henry. I was still her baby. I cried even harder. They knew exactly why.

"Hey pumpkin. How about we go to Mottsberry Park like we used to? Get ice cream and eat it in the car on the way home?" I nodded. 

We got in the car and my mom adjusted the mirror to keep an eye on me. I started to explain how I wanted things to be normal and they reminded me that it would take some time.

That ice cream was the best ice cream I've ever had. Just saying.

Later that night, around 9pm...

"Go fish." Dad said and Aunt Em picked up a card.

It was the last game we were playing before mom and dad put Henry to bed. The game ended quickly after that and they headed upstairs. Leaving Em and I downstairs alone. We sat on the couch.

"Hey. Come here." She patted the spot right next to her. I cuddled up to her as she played with my hair.

"I hope you know that I still love you pumpkin. Wait. It's almost October!"

I looked up smiling. 

"Anyway, I love when you hang around the office after school and I see you when we aren't on cases. Just like when you were little."

Just in time my mom and dad came down. I was so tired. I moved from next to Aunt Em to almost on top of my mom. I fell asleep shortly after.


I woke up as I was being placed in my bed by Will.

"Sh Sh Sh. Go back to bed Soph."

"Where's mommy? I need her."

He whispered screamed "J! The baby wants you!"

Yes, I was referred to as "the baby" in my house. Not as a joke. It's because my mom still saw me as her first born baby. 

My mom walked in and sat on the bed, kissing my forehead.

"It's all gonna be ok. Just gotta be patient. Talked to Hotch. Jack misses you. We're going to a party on Saturday at Uncle Dave's. I know you love his parties. Now get some sleep peanut. I love you."

"I love you too mommy. And you too Dad."

"I love you kiddo."

My lights turned off and I was left in the dark to think about the day. About how I should cherish the times I have with my family. 

Found (Daughter of Jennifer Jareau)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon